Found | Teen Ink


May 15, 2017
By artnasia13 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
artnasia13 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The air was getting thin, as I looked in my first book. I love to read books, especially in the library. The book that I am reading is about a cave that has a secret in it, and I just can’t put it down. My parents don’t know that I am at the library this late at night. They’re mostly asleep most of the time. I usually go to the library on the weekends, telling my parents. They get really worried about me if I go out alone, at night. They’ll think that I’m going out with some boys I hardly know and getting drunk, but I already know that I’m not allowed to talk to strangers. All I do is go to the library, or hang out with my friends. Ever since I have started this new book I had loved it so much, that I have been reading five chapters(or more), on the weekends. As I looked up at the clock, I could see that it is a quarter till ten. I jumped out of my seat, and put the book back in it’s original spot. Behind the shelf, I could hear a loud thump on the ground. It could have been another book that had fallen off the shelf when I put back the other book. It wasn’t. As I looked around the tinted old bookshelf, I saw a book that looked like it had more than three hundred pages. Curiosity filled my gut, when I picked up the book. A note fell out of the book, when I set it on the table. I picked up cautiously and carefully, trying not to rip it. It looked like it was recent. The book that I picked up had a strange title, The Illusion of Living. That made me feel strange as well. Why would somebody read a book like this? I thought. I put the book down a read the note to myself. It said “HELP ME…” The nerves in me caught in my brain after I finished reading it. I read some more. “HE’S RIGHT BEHIND ME!!! HEEEELP!!” Who’s he? I thought. Why would this person put this note in a book? It looked like it was made very recent. It didn’t look old or crumbled at all. Maybe this person really needs help. After I finished reading the note, the lights went out and the windows jerked shut. “Is this some kind of joke?” I whispered to myself. Just then, a low imitating grown appeared in the far end of the library. I didn’t know where the librarian was. Maybe she could have helped me solve this. I heard the grown again. This time, it got louder. Then louder, then louder. It got so loud, that it got to the point where it just stopped. I wondered for a moment. Everything got silent, for too long. I didn’t move. I already knew that something was going to jump out and scare me. Then, I heard a noise. It wasn’t a grown, but a squeaky door opening. I never saw that door before. The whole hall lit up from the light of the room. I walked over to it. I hesitated to go in. But I had to, in order to find out what’s going on. I shut my eyes closed, hoping to find something standing right on the other side. I opened the door only to find another note on a desk. Nothing else was in the room. I read it to myself, “Dreams Come True…”

The author's comments:

I have seen the new game Bendy and the Ink Machine and scary stories and that gave me an idea to do this story. 

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