The lost memories | Teen Ink

The lost memories

March 16, 2017
By jbg2194 BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
jbg2194 BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My mother and I were cleaning up the attic and found boxes with different things.  One of the boxes had an amount of old home videos that I didn't even know existed.  I was most intreged by one that had the words, " katie's 5th birthday".  This was of much shock to me because everything that had taken place before second grade was nothing but a blurr to me.  So i was curious to know what the video showed but when i went to get my mother snatched my hand and said, "don't you ever reach for those videos again".  I was terrified why was my mother so aggresive about avoiding me from watching those videos.  But that didn't stop me from wanting to watch them.  I waited till she was busy and went back to the box and grabbed the video I quickly went to my room and hid it. That was the biggest mistake i ever made i unlished the most terriffing truth i could have ever imagined........ 

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