The Man in the Shadows | Teen Ink

The Man in the Shadows

February 22, 2017
By CadenGoodman BRONZE, Baker, CA, California
CadenGoodman BRONZE, Baker, CA, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Don't really have a favorite quote either...

BOOM! The whole trailer shook with the jolt of the blast. I grab a satchel out of the drawer, pack it with food and water. As we run for the door I think back to just five minutes before, sitting and watching the game Cousin was so piped up about. “I can’t wait to see who wins...” 
As we cross the yard to the Zippy Mart, all I see is chaos. People running around, cuffing things, smashing glass and appliances. I hear another blast. More chaos.
After getting what we need from the Mart without getting attacked, I feel as if someone is watching us. As if there’s something right behind me… I turn around and see a dark, peculiar figure. He steps out of the shadows and says, “I’ve been waiting for you Bruno.”

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