A Decent Into Insanity | Teen Ink

A Decent Into Insanity

January 19, 2017
By GraceM.7 BRONZE, Downers Grove, Illinois
GraceM.7 BRONZE, Downers Grove, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

     She crept slowly through what appeared to be an everlasting corridor. Onward with a candle, never flickering. Onward to the door of desire. Onward in a tiptoed creak. Nearer came the door, and a delicate ear was pressed against the rough wood. A constant whisper floated through the abandoned house, Come in. Come in. Come in. She set her small hands on the handle of the door turning the knob ever so slightly. Pushing inwards gently. It had felt like hours walking down the endless corridor. Asleep one night, in this house the next. It was an ancient house with peeling paint, and crude wallpaper. No exit but the door looming in front of her. She would open this one. Pushing once more, the stubborn door gave in and opened with a sigh. Abruptly her candle went out and so did she.

    Kristen sat, gazing out her smudged window into the distance, not that there was much distance. She lived in a quaint town. Everyone knew everyone. She could see the newspaper boy, Robbie, gently chatting with old Miss Helker on her porch steps. She could see two young girls, Sophia and Mary, slowly trudging to school. A thought banged on the door of Kristen’s mind, and she groaned, she had to withstand another day of school in less then ten minutes. School is a prison banning fun and life, Kristen drowsily thought. Somehow, she made her way to the dresser and managed to get ready for school without falling back into the warm embrace of sleep. Those precious ten minutes passed too fast, and soon enough she was hastily walking out the door. Too soon did she hear Caylee's voice. Too soon did she have to listen to the high schools gossip. She was swarmed by Caylee's stories. Then Kristen was punched rudely back into reality,
“Kristen! Look, it’s Robbie,” if there was one thing Caylee adored to blab on and on about, it was Robbie. They simultaneously sighed.
“Hey guys!” He waved.
Being the talkative one, Caylee practically shouted, “How are you doing this fine morning?”
“I’m not sure... Anne and I haven't been together for 13 hours, 34 minutes, eleven seconds, and counting.”
Robbie and Anne's relationship was practically Caylee's life, and she immediately wanted to know what was happening.
“Oh my goodness! What happened?” Caylee questioned.
She and Kristen's mouths dropped to China. Robbie and Anne barely went three hours without each other. They were two inseparable peas in a pod
“I don’t know, I didn’t see her on my paper route, last night, or yesterday. I’m really scared something happened.”
“I am sure everything will be okay,” Caylee assured.
Seven agonizing days passed with no news of Anne. Finally, her mother decided that she ran away with a handsome fellow that had passed through town. Robbie was devastated. None of the girls were miserable, though. This meant Robbie was free, not restrained by a relationship. Robbie was swarmed like a deer in a forest full of wolves. Caylee and Kristen watched in befuddlement as the girls stalked him everywhere, trying to get him to like them. At lunch Kristen and Caylee sat in the corner by the door and watched as the stampede became pulled towards him like he was a magnet. If Kristen and Caylee were confused by that, their minds fulminated when Robbie broke away from the mob and sat by them.
“This is insane! I think I’m going to lose my mind,” He declared.
“That’s to be expected,” Caylee smirked.
“Well I appreciate having someone to talk to that won’t constantly flirt with me, Oh robbie you’re so funny!” As he imitated the other girls
“We’re here for you until,” Caylee glanced at the hyenas surrounding them, “until you have found the right girl and these monsters will let off.”
“Thanks, but I think I have found her,” and with that, he walked off.
Looks of terror and envy shot around the room, ricocheting off girls faces as they heard this. Finally all eyes settled on Kristen and Caylee. The eyes burned into their souls. As the mob stormed off, threats were piled on Kristen and Caylee.
“If you touch him..”
“He is mine…”
“Don’t even speak to him…”
Their names were threatened and cursed tenfold. Two hours passed and the torment of school was finally over. Caylee had journaling everyday after school, so Kristen started immediately home so not to be mobbed by the menacing storm of girls coming closer. Their words were lightning her tears the pouring rain. She speed walked down the road to a sharp turn on Oak Street, then right on Birch Road. At last she could walk without being stalked. Suddenly a figure appeared from behind a tree.
“Kristen!” it whispered.
“Stop following me you monsters!” Kristen shot back.
“Calm down it’s only me, Robbie, Can I walk with you?” he questioned.
Every ounce of intelligence was thrown out the window of Kristens brain,
“I respect you for not storming after me like that swarm of mutant girls. We should hangout some time,” he gestured.
“You’re welcome, uh I mean... Okay,” Kristen blurred, a volcano erupted in her mind, one side shot confetti and the other, scorching lava.
    After school everyday, Robbie would meet her at the corner of Oak and Birch. It was pure bliss to have someone not torment her like in the hallways of terror. After days of following this routine, they started dating. Kristen thought the threats were horrendous before, but they only grew exceedingly monstrous. She heard the threats in the halls. Next to her when no one could be found. Her eats cowered from the demonic threats swirling through the air. They stabbed at her eardrums, making it dangerous to love Robbie. Her own name was a sharp knife stabbing at her soul. So when he met her at their blissful street corner as usual, Kristen softly said,
“We can’t be together.”
“Why?” Robbie took her by the shoulders and looked in those sparkling
emerald eyes.
“Because the girls at school threaten me.”
Soft diamonds rolled down her glistening cheeks.
“Kristen, why didn’t you tell me this?”
“I-I don’t know,” she stammered.
A fire burned in Robbie's eyes. “We’ll show them. You’re not going to be pushed around because of me,” he assured, drying her eyes, “What they want you to do is break up with me, right?”
“Yes,” she said as quiet as a mouse.
“Then we must stay together. They can't break us,” I will not lose another girl.”
“It’s going to pass over,” he said while pulling her into his warm embrace.   
    In the torture chamber unfortunately named school, all the little devils backed off as Kristen held hands with her angel. The devils beat her with their words when Robbie was not around. The only time where she was alone was in her bedroom. Her safehaven, the place with no threats, a place to be alone with her thoughts. Even alone at 1:00 am in the morning. Suddenly, a whisper sounded in the shadows of her bed,
“Krissten! How dare you take…” the whisper abruptly stopped.
Kristen slowly cried herself to sleep. But sleep was not better. The threats came in the shape of nightmares. She was awoken by a sharp claw in her leg only to find her own delicate hand piercing her skin.
“I think I’m losing my mind,” she spoke to the darkness.
“Give me back Robbie,” the darkness blared back.
“Yes, I’m losing it. It must be the lack of sleep. Goodnight shadows,” she mumbled as her head fell into a dream.
“Krissten!” the darkness hissed.
A loud blaring woke up Kristen’s slumber. “Seriously,” she drowsily mumbled. She hit the snooze button. The excruciating blaring kept on.
“Come on you...” the hard slamming of her hand on the clock interrupted her. “Fine.” She sat up and pulled the plug. The clock still did not stop. Once more she slammed the snooze and the ringing in her ears stopped. However her sleep hazed mind did not comprehend this mysterious incident.
    In school she found herself falling more and more in love with her beautiful angel, Robbie. It was him in the hallways that warded off the devils of popularity. He was the one to comfort her when the insults were harsh. And it was him who walked with her after school.
“Hey Robbie!”
“Welcome to the ‘walk of home’.”
“The walk of home?” Kristen asked.
“I put a name to my afternoon ritual of walking you home,” Robbie responded simply
“What’s the first adventure on this ‘walk of home’?”
“The first thing we do is...uh...walk down this street,” Robbie the tour guide said.
They lived about 5 blocks away from the school. Their houses were almost diagonal from each other. Kristen only had to jump onto her backyard fence and walk one house to the right. They spent all the time they could together.
Robbie had a small gathering of trees in the corner of his yard and one of them had big branches. This one was Robbie and Kristen's castle. It stretched to the sky, with beautiful brown arms extended in greeting. An elegant green cloak and dress was draped over it so that the outside world could not see the strong trunk and arms. Inside, the prince had built a small wooden platform along three branches where the prince and the princess had a picnic blanket. They lay there often, just sitting together, staring at the shining diamonds in the sky. One night while they were laying, Robbie decided to retrieve another candle because the clouds came and covered the moon. So Kristen sat looking at the beautiful view of their yards perched up in her warm nest. TIlting her head back to see the stars, the candle fell and the flame danced with her hair.
“Krissten,” the leaves shook. “Leave! I don’t want you ever near Robbie again.”
“No!” She shrieked.
“Then I guess I will have to engulf your beautiful hair in flames. No one ever takes Robbie without permission,” the leaves hissed.
“Robbie!! Help me!”
Her hair slowly started to curl at the edges. Kristen tried to roll on the platform but she found herself frozen as ice and the the flame would not die.
“Kristen!” Robbie shouted in response to her terrifying screams. “I’m coming!”
“Goodbye Krissten.” Spoke a shimmering glow in the now faint streak of moonlight.
“Kristen! Are you okay?” Robbie frantically proclaimed, putting the flame out with his hands.
“Robbie…?” Kristen fainted just after a single diamond rolled down her cheek.
    She awoke in her room with Robbie at her side keeping his promise to himself that he would stay with her until she woke.
“Robbie?” She faintly whispered.
“You’re awake?! Thank god!” he whispered happily.
He held her cheek in his hand and stroked her hair. Then he gently placed his rose lips on her cheek and left through the window. Kristen laid there barely believing what had happened.
“That was a bad move Kristen!” The faint glow of moonlight screamed. “You have gone too  far! He was and will always be mine! You cannot have him!”
Kristen lay on her bed, to afraid to look behind her. Afraid to see nothing there. But seeing nothing there was better than seeing the figure before her. A girl made of moonlight stepped forward.
“Do not touch him,” the girl warned.
Kristen was pulled into sleeps grasp as she watched the moonlit figure disappear.
At school she barely was able to get through her studies. She was tripped in empty hallways. At the water fountain the water sprayed into her face leaving her soaking wet on the floor. Kristen felt herself keeping in tears, as she walked through doorways, slamming doors barely missed her fragile body.
At midnight, in the comfort of her blankets Kristen lay solid as stone in anticipation of the misted figure. She sat up on her bed, with sweat rolling down her face. Like a river through forested hills, her sweat weaved in and out of her goosebumps.
“Kristen,” a voice whispered in her ear.
Kristen turned abruptly, her eyes scanning the shadows.
“I’m in you,” the voice whispered. Kristen's arm lifted slowly, “Well would you look at that, it appears and can control you from this tiny brain of yours. You really thought that I would run away from my Robbie for some other man? Come now that would be stupid.”
“Anne?” Kristen struggled the name out of her mouth.
“Come with me Kristen, you must pay for what you have done.”
“No, please don't make me go, I can't leave Robbie.”
“He was never yours in the first place.”
“Why did you die?”
“She loved Robbie first, but he ditched Her for me. And he ditched me for you.”
Kristen fainted at the thought of what was to become of her.
When she awoke, she found herself in a slender hallway. It was old, the wallpaper clung to the walls holding on for its life. Paintings of woman in veils hung precariously on bending nails. The rug lining the walkway to the exit was full of roses and vines. But as Kristen looked closer, she noticed that the roses were wilted and the vines covered with sharp thorns. Kristen looked everywhere for an exit, but the door behind her was locked and wouldn’t budge. However the door at the end of the hallway had a faint glow of a candle behind it. She slowly crept towards it. Her tiptoeing feet made the wooden floor below her groan in pain. Kristen slowly placed her delicate hand on the door and pushed inwards ever so slightly. The door hinges shrieked in pain. So did Kristen, Anne lay on the floor arms outstretched. Her gray and lifeless face contorted in pain.
“Hello Kristen, we’ve been waiting for you.”

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because I thought it would be really interesting to write a gothic story, I had never done one before. I hope the reader, (hello!), enjoys this as much as my classmates did!

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