The Town of Bloxburg | Teen Ink

The Town of Bloxburg

October 25, 2016
By Anonymous

As the sun came up beyond the horizon, little Emily was still asleep. Her dog Honey though, was awake. Honey is a golden retriever... He is practically Emily’s alarm. It was almost 7:00 A.M. and Emily needed to be woken, for they both had a long journey ahead of them. Emily’s folks died from a fire in their old home when she was little. She didn't have anyone except Honey. So they just took what they could and left the house. Emily was only six at the time and Honey had just been born, but somehow they both pulled through and survived all these years.


They were headed for the next town. The Town of Bloxburg. Many tragic things have happened there but it was their only food stop for the next 70 miles. Emily was awake now and was already packing to get ready to leave.
“We should get going, Honey. Unless you want to skip out on breakfast.” says Emily. Honey whined and tilted his head then headed toward the road. Emily just laughed. Now you're probably thinking, where is all the suspense? Well, just wait till we get to Bloxburg. But recently before Emily arrives at Bloxburg, there was a murder. The murder of Carter Williamson. The town Marshal found him early in the morning before anyone was up. The town Marshal just thought he was just passed out drunk, so he left him there and waited for him to get up. He didn’t even bother to wake him, just left him there. He only had two children but no one has seen them in years. No one has seen the wife either. Emily is only half a mile away from Bloxburg....

As Emily comes to a stop to get a drink of water, Honey sees something in the woods. Emily doesn't notice though. Honey runs off while Emily is distracted. Now the woods of Bloxburg aren’t very safe, but the roads aren’t either. Emily has never been in this part of the state so neither she or Honey knows what they are heading for... Emily finally finishes getting a gulp or two of water the puts it back. She looks but but doesn’t see Honey anywhere.

“Honey?!” she shouted. “Honey where are you?” She heard a twig snap in the distance, but in the woods. She hesitates before heading into the woods. She then hears barks in the distance.

“Honey?” She says as she runs into the woods. When she finds Honey, he is just standing there, looking into the distance. “Let's go Honey.”

Honey turns around and heads back to the road. They continue their long adventurous, dangerous, journey to Bloxburg. It took them two days to get to the town because Honey kept running off and doing the same thing he did the first time they went into the woods. Except this time, he never came back till early in the morning. Like around four o’clock in the morning. The next day when Emily woke up, it was late in the afternoon. Honey didn’t wake her up. He ran off again.

“Dang you, Honey!” Said Emily in frustration. She gathered her stuff and walked along the road until she could find Honey. Except, Honey never came back. Emily decided to set up her little camp place for the night. It was close to dark and Honey still wasn’t back. The next morning, Emily woke up to Honey licking her face all over.
“Honey! Where were you? I looked for you all over! Do not ever run off again!” Emily said once again, in frustration, but also in joy. They got their stuff around and left.

They have finally arrived. The Town of Bloxburg. There seems to be a big ruckus towards the south side of town. Emily was hungry so Honey and got something to eat first. When they were done, they both went over towards the ruckus. Emily seen blood on the ground as she got closer. Many people were in her way and she was small so she couldn’t see as well as everyone else could. Emily just started crawling more further in, past people, and to the body. Body? Oh yeah, Carter Williamson's body.

Everyone in the town that had known about this tragic incident was devastated. Carter was the mayor’s son. He was the one of the most caring men you could ever meet. He had a simple childhood and went to good schools as well. Many townsfolk in The Town of Bloxburg didn’t have as much courage, honesty, a good education like Carter did. Can you imagine him yet? Anyways, Emily was most shocked, more than anyone there. She didn’t know what to do besides just sit there...

“Everyone move, now! The mayor wishes to see the incident!” said a strange voice. Wait.. It was the sheriff and mayor! Uh oh.. The mayor seeing his kid like this is not going to be good.

“What happened? What is going on? Where is my so-” The mayor caught eye of his son, laying there, breathless, dead. The mayor broke down into tears and fell to his knees..
“How did this happen..?” Asked the Mayor in a quaking voice.
“No one knows for sure, sir.” Said the sheriff. “I thought he was just passed out drunk early this morning so I just left him and waited for him to wake up.”
“He doesn’t drink!” shouted the Mayor.

“Sorry, sir. I didn’t know.” said the sheriff in a devastating voice.

“How could you not have known?!” Shouted the Mayor once more.

“Sorry, sir. We need to move the body and examine it before it starts to stink up the town.” The sheriff told the Mayor then walked away. Everyone cleared the area as time passed by. Emily was the last one there. She went to go examine the body for a second. In here mind she is think What are you doing, Emily?? Pull back! Pull back! Emily continued to go towards the body. She examined it for only a second because then she heard someone yell at her to get away.

Emily decided to stay in Bloxburg for the night just to be safe until they caught this killer. She remember something about the body that made it look like the man had done a deal.

“Honey, we should find out what happened. That way we can get a move on.”

Emily never did continue that investigation though. She never realized it would be that important.
“You there! Stop!” Said a familiar voice. It was the sheriff.

“You, young lady, are wanted for the murder of Carter Williamson! Hands behind your back this instant!” Emily had no idea what he was talking about, but she knew the best thing to do is listen to him. She put her hands behind her back and the sheriff cuffed her then took her to the jail. Honey followed all the way and went in the cell with Emily.

“What is the meaning of this? I never did anything!” Said Emily in a quaking voice. “I just got in town and the body was here!”

The mayor entered.

“Save it for the judge, kid!” Said the mayor.

   Later on that night when Emily was sleeping, Honey snuck out again. No one knows how he go out but he did.
Emily woke up the next day and had to go to court for Carter’s death.

“I never killed anyone! I came into town and Mr. Carter was already dead!” shouted Emily in frustration.
“Sorry kid, but people have evidence that you killed him. I’m sentencing you to the harshest penalty allowed. The death sentence. For murdering the mayor’s son and lying about it.”

“But I didn’t kill anyone!” shouted Emily. They took Emily away back to the jail. Her sentence was tomorrow. Emily didn’t even realize Honey was gone.

The next day everyone gathered around the town square to shout, mock, throw stuff at the little murderous child. No one knew that she killed Carter, some did but not all. They just believed whatever the mayor or the townsfolk told the others. As Emily’s sentence, she was to be hung for her crime. The headsman announced her sentence and all that was to be said.

“I never did anything to harm anyone!” shouted Emily one last time. Honey came back at the last moment, before the floor dropped. Honey had blood all over his mouth. He was at the back of the crowd. The mayor took one look at him and realized he had made a mistake.

“Get that dog!” shouted the mayor. No one knew what he was talking about. To this day, Honey still continues to haunt the Town of Bloxburg… At night every night since Emily’s sentence, you can hear the howl of Honey just before midnight…

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