Tamesbuery | Teen Ink


July 5, 2016
By ralphel BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
ralphel BRONZE, North Andover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. -Aristotle Onassis

Our town was an empty place, that smelled of concrete and dust.  Its bare walls, stripped of copper memories and trust. Photos and drawings scattered on the floor and fine red scratches on every table nooses on the shores. 5 months to there end.


They would never have another sheriff,


Part One: The City Of Gold


Amanda's Journal
What a pleasure to live in a city like this with its white washed fences, and the smell of new lumber and people smiling like never before. It's nice not to think about the old Tamesbuery, decrepit and in need of repair. I am so glad we decided to fix it up! Daddy even says that it will attract business to his shop.


Amanda's Journal
Things are going here! Today the town wrote out all the leases for the shops on main street. There putting up a ice-cream shop, nail salon, and a thrift shop. I saw a sweater in the window that I wanted. Mama said that it was too expensive, but I am saving my allowance so hopefully I can get it soon. Bye for now!


Amanda's Journal
Our town renovation is finally complete! It's so cool to see everything all fixed up and new. Like a new pair of sneakers! Bye for now.


Amanda's Journal
Things have gone a bit down hill here. My friends are acting all strange. Like something is wrong with them, or me :) One week until I can get that sweater! Bye for now.


Amanda's Journal
What is wrong with me?


Amanda's Journal
I am tired of this stupid town, my stupid sweater, this stupid world AND MY STUPID WORTHLESS LIFE. I guess this town wears out like a stupid pair of smelly sneakers. Or that stupid jacket mom told me not to buy. NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME. Even My friends hate me. I AM RUNNING AWAY FROM THIS WRECK OF A TOWN. THE PLACE IS MY DESTINY.


Part 2: Put Me Back


another firefighter, or bus driver,


TV: Authorities say this is not an accident. Stab wounds were found on her back, chest, and neck. Along with an eerie message reading “PUT ME BACK” Tattooed on her
forehead. She was found washed up on south bank at the end of Harris Memorial brook on Wednesday morning. Authorities warn of going out after dark and officials are considering a curfew. All possible fingerprints have been washed off by the water.


Jack’s Diary
Things are kind of surreal here. I don't know what happened, is happening, or is going to happen. Everyone is acting like they have the plague, or like you have a contagious disease. Mom says it's puberty kicking in, but I have my doubts.


TV: Authorities are calling this a growing concern. 7 more children running away in a sort of hysteria have been found dead, all with the same tattoo in different parts of Harris Memorial Beach. More on this developing story later


Jack’s Diary
I AM NOBODY AND NEVER WILL BE. What is wrong with me? Where is the jack that I, and everyone else remembers?


Jack's diary


TV: Authorities are calling this the crisis of the decade for all the people in the Tamesbuery area. More people are coming down with the “disease” and showing up dead. Tamesbuery starting mass graves. Scientists focused on a cure.


Loudspeaker announcement: The CDC has declared a state of emergency. All citizens of Tamesbuery are advised to evacuate immediately. City services including water, and electricity will be cut at approximately 3:00 PM. E.M.S. I repeat this is a state of emergency.


TV: Experts say that this disease PAX-781 was released by a mental ward patient at Marvis rehabilitation center. He had been placed on the watch list after breaking out of the facility Thursday night screaming: “THE DESTRUCTION SHALL NOW STOP”. Authorities say that the renovation activities going on in Tamesbuery, may have triggered war flashbacks, that he associated with the renovation going on in Tamesbuery. They also stated that he may have had access to illegal arms, and bio-active weapons, such as PAX-781 These weapons could have lead to the mysterious happenings in Tamesbuery.  Numerous articles of clothing including a pair of Calvin Klein Pants, Jacket, And a Blitz sweatshirt, sold at a local thrift shop tested positive for the PAX-781. The disease, causes patients to go to “the place” as it is called by infect-ees, or really the nearest place containing the pheromone X-260_8p. The infect-ees, are extremely irrational, and walk slowly in a dream-like state. The person deemed responsible has yet to be found. The CDC has found a vaccine for the disease, but it seems too late for Tamesbuery. Amy Bouldiare FOX local News.


or anything else.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this peice when our family drove to sleeping bear dunes, and saw the ghost town. It made me wonder what could have made this, or a similar incident happen?

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