The Money Man | Teen Ink

The Money Man

May 25, 2016
By Anonymous

Staring at an old car as the windows were shattered to the ground, blood splattered on the driver's seat and a gun sat in the console of the vehicle. The police officer stared at the car and took notes. The best investigator in town, took a closer look at the blood on the car. Took swabs of DNA, put the gun in the bag and a picture of the crime scene. Was it an accident or a murder? The questions ran through the police's head. As they searched and searched for a person to match the DNA. The investigation went dead for two years even tho the police were still struggling to figure out what it was about the crime scene and who could know what happened. About a month ago, the police got a strange call from a man saying he was walking down by a bridge when a plastic bag caught his eye, there was a women inside the bag hanging from a tree, the bag was covered with flies and looked like it had been there for a few years.

As the man got done talking, the police took a walk down by the same bridge later that day with a camera and the investigator to see what the man was talking about. They came upon several bags that had multiple bodies in them. As they talked, they wondered if these bodies were connected to the crime that was put off for 2 years. The police were thankful for the man finding these and they did connect to the crime but who and why was the major question? The bags were taken to an examiner to figure out who these three bodies were. The police were wondering why no one filed a missing person case. The results came back within 24 hours. Amber Hillridge and Taylor Hillridge were sisters that came from a wealthy family that lived two towns over. There father passed away 4 years ago. They were left to stay with their step mother who didn’t he really care about anything except the money. The investigator traveled to the house where she stayed and knocked on the door. The door slowly opened while a lady with blonde hair and blue eyes stood. “Hi are you the step mother of Amber and Taylor Hillridge?”, as the police and investigator asked. “Yes I am, but they went to their friends house this weekend” said nervously the women. “Well ma’am, we would like to ask you some questions, could you meet us at the police station downtown” the police officer said with angered voice. They left her house and arrived at the police station. They had to inform the town's police that the case was going to reopen.

Soon after, the lady showed up and asked nervously why she was going to be questioned. “Ma’am we would like to ask you some important questions about your step children…” said the police officer. The lady sat there shaking. “How are the girls?” the police said very politely. “Well I haven’t seen them in a while….they usually go to their friends house a couple towns over. 2 years ago they moved to the town because there was a good college that all their friends told them about. We weren't that close since their father passed away but they send me text messages saying they are doing fine and college is great”, said the blonde lady with blue eyes crying and shaking back and forth. The police and investigator looked at each other confused. “Have you talked to girls recently on the phone”, said both of them. “No…I always ask them if they want to come home for the holidays and they just reply by saying they’re way too busy”, as she cried tears. “Ma’am, I think we have some bad news to tell you”,the investigator said shaking his head. I started to shake and her eyes were red like puffy. “We are sorry tell you but Amber and Taylor were found dead about a month ago”,they said with a still face. She whimpered and shaking while crying. The room went quiet for at least 5 minutes.  “How come you said that they went to their friends for the weekend, when we first came up to your door”, said the confused officer. As the lady whimpers and tears run down her face from her eyes,” I was nervous that you were going to tell me some other news that happened while their father was still alive”. “Do you believe that incident that happened could have led to the death of these two girls?” questioned one of the other officers from the town. “Amber and Taylor were well known since the day they were born. There father didn’t exactly like them going to a public school because they get asked all the time for money and take pictures out of content. After their father died, he didn’t want them to go to a college out of state...he left me in charge with their future. Even tho Amber and Taylor did not want me to there. As teenagers, they grew seperate ways but always there for each other. When Amber told me her and taylor were moving away, I was a little suspicious because the town wasn’t the safest. Taylor always did the right thing even tho Amber was try and change her mind. I never met any of their guy friends except for a guy that goes by the nickname “Dagger”, his real name was David. The girls brought him one day after school, he introduced himself. Very well mannered, dress nicely, said he came from a wealthy family of his own but money couldn’t buy happiness”, explained the lady to the police.

The police and investigators all stood in silence for 5 minutes. As the investigator was about to speak, the phone rang in the office. Officer Jones picked up the phone to hear a young guy's voice as if he was terrified. The man talked fastly while screaming was in the background. Two police got the man's address and dashed over there. Sirens filled the air, police, ambanis men running inside the house. Officers talked to the guy that had called, just as he was explaining, they all heard a gunshot. Everyone stood in silence. Meanwhile the man explained that he had came home from his job to check on his wife, who had been sick for a few days, now laying on the bed in a puddle of her own blood. As the blood, dropped from the bed to the floor. The young man cried while talking to the police. He informed everyone at the station that there was another murder. The lady was in shock and sat there while talking to herself “How could someone be so cruel and want to kill these wonderful people”. Back at the scene, where the women was found dead. The police found that money, jewelry and even her own engagement ring. A statement that the girl's stepmother said earlier hit the officer's mind “money can’t buy happiness”. The officer took the man to the station to see if they can connect all these murders. The investigator looked up the name “Dagger” in google search engine. He clicked on imagines and asked the lady if any of these men looked familiar. She pointed out the first one which did have a crime record and did not come from a wealthy family like he had said. We called the police that was in charge of the jail that he was in for 2 months. “Hello greensburg county jail, how can I help you?” said the lady with the raspy voice on the phone. “Hello ma’am I am from the weeds police department calling to ask you about a man that was there about a year ago. He goes by the name Dagger or David” said Officer Jones. “Oh my - yes David Sanders,very well known around the jail. He has been in here for several reasons. He stole money and sexually assaulted a young woman, robbed a store and killed a husband and wife” the women said with confidence.

The man said with excitement “Thank you this is going to great information. We are solving a crime. Two college students were killed and their bodies were found 2 years ago, meanwhile another women was just killed in her own home. We are trying to connect these two murders, only being two towns away. Is there any place that we can track David by chance? “He is supposed to be on probation for all of [incidents] that he did. We have an address of where his mother lives and home phone, if you would like her number to call her. As the police hung up with the nice lady, he dialed the number. The phone rang several times no answer but right after we got another call back. “Hello Officer Jones from the Weeds police Department, how can I help you?”. “Well you just called me and I wasn’t near my phone” explained the lady with a quiet voice. Officer Jones started talking “Well I am trying connect two crimes together. I don’t know if you heard about it but two sisters were killed and found down by the town river in plastic bags. Then another murder that happened in your town today. I know your son has been in trouble with the law before, am I correct?” “Well yes he has. I have heard about the two sisters that were murder and I happen to know both of them personally from my son, David” she said as her voice grew stronger. The police paused and looked at the investigator.
The investigator got a beep that they had caught a man in a mask down by the river with another bag.They quickly got everyone together. The girl's stepmother just wanted justice for them because their father would've wanted this for them. As the police got the river side. There stood the same man that was on the files. He said to the young male “You’re under arrest for the murder of two females, a loving wife and now a children”. Everyone stood around as the man was put in the police car. The girl's stepmother was glad to find the man behind all of these crimes. He took away some people that would of been very successful in life. At the funeral for Taylor and Amber, she spoke “God now has gained two more angels to the sky, we would all want them here today but a young man had to take them away. We have served justice for you”. Everyone said their goodbyes. A year later, the young man “David” sits in prison with life to death with no parole. David’s mother gave her a phone call “I am truly sorry that my son has lied to you and your family. I am sorry that my son has murder them as a matter of fact...I was going to come to the funeral to speak but I didn’t want to interrupt. They were two of the best girls that I have ever met,” explained David’s mother. She never replied to the message the mother left but was glad for the apology. Two years went by. Family members were still saddened because of the man with the money but happy that they caught him. Everyone is in peace now.   

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