A Babysitters Worst Nightmare | Teen Ink

A Babysitters Worst Nightmare

February 3, 2016
By CaseyB BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
CaseyB BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Standing in front of the door Timothy’s mother reminded Nicole, “Nicole, just remember Timothy doesn’t talk yet, so he may be difficult to understand.”

“I know you emailed me all the details,” Nicole responded.
“Also, no sugar before he goes to bed, Timothy’s mother pleads. 

Timothy’s mother took one last look at Timothy and walked out the door.
Timothy sprinted to the couch and reached out his hands to Nicole. Being unsure on how to communicate with Timothy, Nicole grabbed the remote and turned on SpongeBob.

I mean what kid doesn’t like SpongeBob, Nicole thought.
Timothy started to groin, he pointed toward the kitchen. Nicole looked toward the kitchen and noticed the bin of cookies.
Nicole pulled out the cookies and he stopped trying to communicate with Nicole.
“Oh you like cookies.”
He nodded his head in agreement.
“You can’t have sugar before you go to bed, I can find you some apples!”
Timothy cried in disagreement.
“Okay fine, don’t tell your mom I gave you this!”

Nicole handed Timothy the cookie. After the first bite, Timothy’s eyes grew wide with pleasure. After the second bite, His eyes rolled back into the back of his head. Without warning, Timothy fell to the kitchen floor and screamed, his entire body jerked and shook. White fuzz fizzled out of Tim’s mouth. In complete shock, Nicole started to scream. 

Oh my god I killed him, oh my god what do I do? I can’t call his parents they’d they’ll kill me oh god I’m so dead. I have to call Sammy.

“Hello.” Sam said.
“SAM- SAM THE KID IS DEAD,” Nicole barely got the words out.
“Whoa -- shut up! What are you talking about? Stop being crazy!”
“Are you trying to scare me? shut up Nicole.”
“No I’m not kidding--I need help,” Nicole pleaded.
“S***, you’re serious,” Sam said.
“Sam what do I do?”
“Just calm down. I’ll come over, just text me the address.”
“Okay…just hurry, okay?”

It's 7:40 where is she? She should be here by now, Nicole thought.

Sam arrived within ten minutes and walked in to Nicole pacing back in forth in the living room. She looked over to her right to see Timothy still on the floor. Sam rushed to Timothy’s side.
“How do we wake him up?” Sam asked.
“Well is he even alive?”
“S***, don’t know.”
“Maybe check his pulse to see?” Nicole suggested.
“He has a pulse, well for now anyways.” Sam warned.
“Okay let’s try to wake him up.”
“Maybe if we turn him upside down he’ll wake up?” Nicole suggested.
“Hey whatever works” Sam answered.

Sam and Nicole carried Timothy into the living room and above the couch. They flipped his body upside down. They heard a faint gasp. Excited and relived, Nicole dropped him face first onto the carpet. Timothy opened his eyes, and began to cry. Nicole offered to bring Timothy some milk, the crying came to a halt.  

Timothy looked over to his left, noticed Sammy and screamed. Sammy being unsure of what he was screaming over, walked over to Timothy from the kitchen. Timothy began to scream louder.

“Timothy, it’s time to go to bed,” said Nicole.

Being upset about bed time, Timothy refused to move.

Sam and Nicole stood in front of Timothy, and watched him collapse onto the floor beside the couch. Sam screamed in shock as she watched Timothy’s eyes roll back, then she fled the room in terror.
“Sam come back! This is what happened last time!”

Sam stayed in the hallway till she was calm enough to enter the room.

When Sam entered the room again, she asked, “What do you mean? Look at his eyes—they weren’t like that before.”
“Yes they were! You got here before that happened last time!”
“Fine, Let’s try what we did to wake him up last time.”

Nicole took Tim’s body and gently held his head over the couch. Sam struggled to hold his feet up and not look at Timothy’s face; it terrified her.

“IT’S NOT WORKING!” Sam screamed.
  “Maybe try dumping water over his head,” Nicole suggested.
Sam pours a glass of ice cold water on Timothy as he is laying on the couch.  His eyes brightened up and he began to cry.
“Well, thank God that worked.”
“I’m going to carry him to bed. This is getting ridiculous.” Nicole snarled.

Nicole carried Timothy to bed and tucked him in. She said goodbye to Sam and waited for Timothy’s parents to come home.

Nine o’ clock on the dot, Timothy’s parents arrived home. Nicole began to become overwhelmed. She felt as if she could feel the door knob twist her stomach as they opened it. Nicole didn’t want to tell them what happened. As soon as Timothy’s mother walked through the door, she rushed up to Timothy’s room. Nicole’s stomach filled with butterflies.

For what felt like an hour to Nicole, Timothy’s mother finally came downstairs.

“Oh my gosh thank you, you seemed to tired him out,” Timothy’s mother exclaimed.
“I actually have something to tell you about tonight,” Nicole responds.
Ignoring Nicole, she asked, “Oh hun did Timothy try any breath holding while we were gone?”
“What?” Nicole asks.
“I guess not! When he gets very frustrated, he kind of has a seizure. His eyes roll back.” 
“Oh wow.” Nicole was stunned.
“Yeah, so what did you have to tell me?”
“Oh, it was nothing, I spilled some water on the couch--I’m sorry!”
“That’s the second babysitter that has said that—Isn’t that weird? Timothy’s mother laughed.
"Yeah, weird."

The author's comments:

When i was around a year old, my parents were taking me into the hospital constantly. Almost every day i was having seizures, turning blue and passing out. My parents were hoping eventually the hospital would figure out what was wrong with me. yet, they never did. I had two older siblings, and i didnt know how to talk yet. They would talk for me, resulting in me never getting what i really want. so the reason for these random scary attacks? Breath holding. Being frustrated with having no voice, i would hold my breath. The hospital never figured it out, yet my pediatrician recognized it right way.

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