Frog Land | Teen Ink

Frog Land

June 10, 2015
By SquidLord BRONZE, Coronado, California
SquidLord BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Litmus lime paper is yummy"

Bleat and Squint Worthington lived in the small village of Pine Rock in the county of Sweltwood. The brothers both made their living chopping and hauling firewood. Unfortunately the two brothers had a very sinister secret. Every third of the month they would flip a coin at night to decide which one of them would conduct a sacred ritual. To complete the ritual, a brother must sneak into any house and place a bag over an individual’s head. It is important that the individual’s face is not recognized by the brother to ensure that there is no bias. The bagged individual is then decapitated with the body thrown in the creek and the head burned in the brother’s furnace.
For years now this had been going on. The village folk suspected it was a woodland spirit that had been causing this chaos and sacrificed much to appease it. However, the two brothers knew they would eventually be caught, as a circle of townsman formed an investigation sequence.
Forgetting to tell his brother, Squint left on the night of the ritual to plant evidence in a local blacksmith’s home to make it seem as if the blacksmith had been committing the crimes. Squint stepped through the window but tripped on a spool of wool and fell to the ground unconscious. Bleat began the ritual regardless of his brother’s absence, and left the house with his axe. He slowly crawled through the village until he made his way to the blacksmith’s house. He saw his brother’s body lying on the ground, but did not see the face. He approached the body but slipped on a bar of soap and fell onto it. At that instant in the universe, the two bodies morphed into one singular mass. The ultimate human. The newly formed beast ran outside the house and soared off into oblivion. The end.

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