What are We | Teen Ink

What are We

May 23, 2015
By juju_theBest SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
juju_theBest SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never say anything is impossible the word itself says 'i'm possible'

Days passed about the incident we walked around not dragging to much attention to ourselves. As we walked into the classroom everyone looked up at in a strange but functional puzzled face. All 4 of us sat in the back next to each other. We all gave that silent look at each other and seem to finally relax when Ms. Sherbert started talking about the English assignment she gave to us about a week ago. When class ended, we headed up to the locker room were nobody knew about and headed behind the showers. We discovered that this little passage way under the school about a week ago.

When we got down there we had to turn off our phones before it gets intercepted or destroyed by the radiation. As we reached the level our hideout were we can be ourselves. We started to take off our clothes and to shell out our skin it still creep’s us out. Then Rebecca went in the freezer and got us our new meal course. She pulled out a big boar and we dug in I still feel sorry for what we have to do. I thought I would be sorry or upset at what we become but it made me feel better with a new ray of confidence.
So me, Ray, Anthony, Rebecca headed upstairs before class begins. When we left the locker room we had to split up but we have to meet up at lunch. As I sit in math class looking out the window remembering what happened a week ago it frightens me but it is a gift. It was about a week ago after christens party at 3 a.m. all 4 of us was walking home together.
We took the shortcut behind the woods like we always do we heard someone behind us but we ignored it. We keep our cool till it got louder and closer then we all ran but it was nothing behind us then that’s when it got us I managed to escape till it came for me and I froze filled with terror but I wouldn’t let it show. It came with unbelievable speed it bite with the longest time it was horrible pain the color in its eyes changed from red to yellow when it bite me and I felt that power surge in me.
The bell rang and it was time for lunch they were waited for me outside the classroom .we headed in and this time I wasn’t no wimpy little kid I was more confident people bow down to me. We are our own popular crowd and people who didn’t look at us or wanted to be friends with us wanted to now.  We didn’t eat cause we already had our meal I got up to get a drink when the head cheerleader purposely slammed her lunch on my clothes I looked at her my eyes were bloodshot red and Ray touched me and I cooled down the day was almost over. As lunch time ended we headed to the liar, I had to change outfits. If Ray didn’t stop me I would have hit her and she could of gotten seriously hurt and we would be exposed.
Ray pulled me into the bedrooms “ I’m glad you didn’t hurt her you use to be the calmest one of us all but now you’ve got temper problems”. What he said wasn’t completely wrong I was calm and relaxed but lately little things would piss me off. I’m not sure if it’s because the full moon is getting closer I looked at ray “ I know we should just stick together and have each other’s back so we wouldn’t cause some panic, but ray don’t you have a game today”. “yeah we go against Ridgemont high they have good defense but we are definitely  going to win” Rebecca said “don’t forget to control your strength when you’re in there”.
We hung around the liar for a few more minutes before the bell rung we split up to our classrooms me and Rebecca had the same class biology. This class used to be my favorite until I understood everything, I could hear people that are not even in our school. We could all hear people in a restaurant eating, talking about what their going to do later. I could even hear your heart beating faster and faster when you lie. What bothers me is I never really understood why. Why we were the ones to be chosen, why not someone else, was there something special in me ,in us. Or was it just a coincidence that we happen to be in.
The game came within just a few hours but what only felt like minutes to us. Tonight felt very strange and I couldn’t figure out what. But I just shook it off and sat in our seats. The crowd was going wild for our team the cheerleaders were even more preppy. We cheered on ray and I could feel that strange feeling again but I just seen Victoria staring at me and thought it’s just her. Our team won the game by 14 pts. We headed down to get ray but Victoria ran to him first and was being very flirty to ray. I didn’t understand what was happening but next thing I knew I was down there so fast blocking Victoria from ray. I was being very territorial or was it jealousy whatever it was I used it to scare away Victoria.
We headed off in Anthony’s car but that strange feeling kept coming back and this time I couldn’t shake it my whole body shut down my eyes grew wide and red. Then I felt that power surge within me it wasn’t the full moon it was the same power I felt when I had gotten bit. It went pitch black the next day I woke up in victorias house covered in blood her body splattered all over the wall, her parents throats slashed and body’s ripped apart all over their bedroom. I called everybody and they came running they asked what happened to me last night, how did I get here. I thought I could get info. From them not wondering the same questions what happened and what am I ?

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