Not What You Think | Teen Ink

Not What You Think

May 21, 2015
By frenchietoast BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
frenchietoast BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I stared at the clock and silently begged the hands to move faster. I honestly couldn’t take this anymore. Working a noon to 10 shift is pretty close to torture in my book. I just couldn’t wait until I had to leave. I’m always the last person here. The building I work in is so creepy at night. I’m surprised I’m still working here considering I’m afraid of the dark. I’m lucky if I come out of here after my shift is over with my sanity still in tact. The shadows dancing on the walls placed thoughts in my mind, telling me to beware of the shape that may look like a person, but it is in fact just my imagination.
My eyes followed the hands on the clock. 5 more minutes. I start packing up a little early. My boss left about 45 minutes ago and everyone else left an hour before that. I put everything away in my tote bag and got out my keys. I put my coat on and glance at the clock. 2 minutes. I grab my phone and decide to walk across the hall to the clock out station. I opened my office door. The janitors left about 15 minutes ago, and the night shift won’t be here for another hour or so. The lights were all off and the only light source I had was the moonlight creeping in through the window. I hurried over to the other side of the hall and step into the room. I saw I had 30 seconds left and I got my card ready.
As I’m staring at the clock, I hear a noise and my head flicks to the doorway. I can feel my heartbeat pick up. I glance at the clock and notice my time is up. I clock out and make my way back to the hallway. I grab my iPhone and turn on the flashlight. I instinctively put my car key between my knuckle as protection. I take a deep breath and start walking. I just have to make it to my car and I’ll be safe.
All of a sudden I hear a door slowly slide open. I stop breathing. Nobody else is here. I try to tell myself it’s my imagination and keep walking. The more steps I take, the noises start to become more frequent. My breathing quickens and my heart feels like it’s about to burst through my chest. I turn a corner and I’m almost at the exit. I could hear angels singing in my head as I drew nearer to my freedom.
As my hand reaches for the door handle, I hear a big bang from behind me. I freeze. Someone is behind me. I slowly start to turn around. By this point I’m sweating through my coat and my hands are shaking. I finally turn around and I’m met with a dark figure staring back at me, with a gun raised in the air. I gasp with surprise and I drop my keys. The dark figure starts moving towards me very slowly. My breathing stops as he gets closer and I close my eyes. I hope he kills me quickly. My heart feels like it has stopped and my head is about explode with anticipation.I feel his presence by my ear. I hear him open his mouth and I cringe. I knew these were going to the last words I hear before my death. I braced myself for the bullet. I hear his voice and I process what he said.

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