The Murder Mystery | Teen Ink

The Murder Mystery

March 26, 2015
By NikhilB BRONZE, N/A, California
NikhilB BRONZE, N/A, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A murder occurred down the street.  A detective is sent to find suspects. He notices a young man, dressed in black, smoking a pipe, and a knife in his hand. He has a long switchblade. The same kind of weapon used. He may be the real murderer. Unfortunately, there is no way to be sure. Is he innocent? He may well be. Another man approaches. Long, greasy hair. Tattered clothing. Scars on his face. He bears the same weapon. Three more come. All dangerous hoodlums. They all carry the exact same long, double-edged silver switchblade. The detective watches with great interest. He is sure one of them is the murderer. But which one is it? Should he intervene, and question them? He simply waits. The gangsters see him. They know about the murder. But they don’t know who committed it. They all suspect each other. They know each other well. They have fought each other for many years. As they see the detective, they start to form ideas about who the murderer is. They suspect one another. “It’s Freddy, he’s the criminal, he has a guilty conscience, I know it’s him!” and “It must be Thomas, that boy could never keep himself on the right side of the law”. As they think, the detective waits. The boys keep staring at each other knowing that one of them was the murderer. Fred, Tom, Joe, Bob, and Mike, who have known each other all their lives, now stand together, in front of the officer, each with their own ideas. The ideas boil in their heads, until finally, it begins. They all lose it. They act on their suspicions. Joe attacks Fred, Fred jumps on Tom, Joe and Mike start stabbing Bob, until the whole thing becomes a bloodbath. By the end, three are dead. But which one of the remaining boys is the murderer? The detective inspects the area, searching for clues. He questions the two. The are both deeply suspicious of one another. But then, miraculously, they drop dead spontaneously. The officer is shocked. He doesn’t know who the murderer really was. It couldn’t possibly be any of them. Suddenly, a paper drops from the sky. He looks up, but there is no one. He reads the note. It says, “Don’t pursue this one. You’ve been marked now.” The officer collapses. It is over.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 30 2015 at 1:17 pm
CanadianBaconUS, Amherst, New Hampshire
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Veni, Vidi, Vici

That was short, but cool. I liked the ending especially. Kind of creepy, and mysterious but cool.