Kidnapped Halloween | Teen Ink

Kidnapped Halloween

September 29, 2014
By BjornToBeWild BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
BjornToBeWild BRONZE, Poughkeepsie, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone you will meet know something you don't" - Bill Nye

It’s ice cold and pitch black. I can’t see anyone’s tears, but I can hear them in their screams. Everyone is scared, tumbling over one another with every second. My family and I were in some sack of some sort. We hear yelling and laughter in the front seat. Every five minutes or so, we hear a bell, and the screaming of the words “Trick or treat”. We inferred that ‘Trick or Treat’ is our captor’s code-word. Whenever that word is said, our terror grows stronger.
I started to think about the events leading up to right now. One second I was eating dinner with my family. We were all wearing our family sweaters, different colors with a big letter 'M' in the middle. Then at the blink of an eye, we were kidnapped and shoved right into what we thought was a garbage bag, where everyone is packed together so tightly that it is difficult to breathe. Our kidnapper shoved us into the back of a car to where we rode for hours and hours, where we felt the pain of not knowing where we were or where we were going. It was hell. When the driving stopped, everyone was moved from the vehicle to a room. My mind raced, thinking about where we were and what was going to happen to us. My first thought, was we were involved in trafficking. My family and I were waiting in this room for two months before we were bought. My family was shoved into a car again and brought to a house. Shortly after we arrived in the home, we were released and put in the front of the house. I felt the cold wind from the front door. That’s when I realized, it wasn’t just me and my family. There were many families who were kidnapped and sold to this person. A few hours later and we ended up where we are now. We all heard the ring, the yelling of trick or treat, and we were taken from the room to a 3rd and final car.
After half an hour of tumbling and screaming passed, we stopped moving. No more laughter. No more ringing and no more hearing “Trick or Treat”. Just when everyone thinks it is safe, our sack and other sacks of other families were violently dropped out of the car on to a cold, hard ground. We can hear blood curdling screams, a crunch, and then nothing at all. That’s when we realized, we were sold to a cannibal. My imagination runs wild with the thought of who or what is on the outside. The mental picture of someone who would capture us, and stuff us into bags for god knows what reason, isn’t pretty. My brethren and I start weeping, waiting for our inevitable doom following that deadly crunch noise. I whisper to everyone “It’s been a long ride. I love you all.” However, we hear a voice saying “Okay Jimmy, no more candy!” Everyone, in tears,  pauses for a second to listen, then breaks down crying again. Not in fear of death, but that we live another day.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because I thought it was an original and fresh idea.

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