Paranorma | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By HurdleStar GOLD, Johnson City, Tennessee
HurdleStar GOLD, Johnson City, Tennessee
19 articles 13 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Live like you're dying.

Heart is racing, breathing heavy, sweat pastes her long curly hair the shadowy entity looms in the corner, hidden in the darkness. She had been hearing noises all night. She ran all over the house trying to escape. Every door slammed in her face and was bolted shut.

She feels her way down the hallway to turn on the lights. She flips the switch, nothing. She feels a chill sweep through the room. As she looks for a hoodie she hears her old ballerina music box begin to play. She tentatively makes her way to her room.

She was alone in the house, scared and frightened. She stepped into the room and it was like stepping into a freezer. There it was. Her music box was on her dresser, right where she left it, closed. It was silent now. She took one step towards it and it began to play once more. She knew she wasn't alone.

“Go away! Leave this house! You are not wanted here.”she cried tears rolling down her cheeks. She reached her small hand out to touch the box. It was suddenly picked up and thrown at her, the attacker unknown. The impact of the box against her skull rendered her unconscious. She felt like the world was spiraling out of control. Her head was pulsing. She heard an evil voice rattling her brain. “Join me.” It started as a barely audible whisper and grew into an earsplitting scream. “JOIN ME!” The girl shrieked, “You will not posses me.” She felt the spirit fighting with her mind and soul, trying to take her as a vessel. She tried fighting back. As she was about to give in, the demon hissed and spit fire in her face, scorching skin off her cheeks. “Fine, I'll join you.” She attempted to trick the spirit. The shadowy figure leaned down, close to her face. She lay on the ground with the figure pressing down on her chest with claw-equipped hands. She could barely breathe, struggling to get air to her lungs. As blood dripped from its mouth, it began to suck the life out of her. She conjured up every ounce of strength she had left, sat up, and sunk her teeth into the lips of the beast. It screamed out in pain. She knew she'd caught it off guard.

She looked to the right and saw the music box broken on the floor. A piece of the mirror was in reaching distance. She took the broken glass in hand and screamed, “ Be gone! Leave this house and never return!” as she drove the shard through its heart. The lifeless body slumped over and disappeared. She slipped in and out of consciousness for the rest of the night. Her parents came home to find her laying on the floor, the house was trashed. Seeing the burns and the injury to her head, they called 911 for an ambulance right away.

She awoke to the sound of an unfamiliar voice. “And how old is she?” It was a doctor. “She's seventeen sir. And I don't know how this happened.” He mother's voice sounded like an angel. Soon she was discharged from the hospital.

When she got home she went to the library to look for old records of her house. Sure enough, the man who built the house was trapped in a fire in that house. He couldn't escape and burned to death. Previous owners of the house have reported hearing strange noises in the house. There were multiple records of fires and mysterious behaviors in the house. The girl was able to sleep from then on. She knew the reason behind the paranormal attack and that it would never happen again.

The author's comments:
The idea for this piece came to me while I was goofing off with my piano effects.

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