The Voice on the Radio (chapter 1) | Teen Ink

The Voice on the Radio (chapter 1)

February 2, 2014
By comealongbilbo BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
comealongbilbo BRONZE, Parker, Colorado
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am single because apparently, the only good men are fictional.

The Voice on the Radio

“Good Morning, London! Ready for another day of music?” The radio announcer chimed. Ellie was in her apartment, located in the city of London. She was getting breakfast ready for her German Shepherd, Tessie. Ellie was a college student, attending the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, for a BA (Hons) in acting. When she had arrived, she stayed with her friend, Madison who already had an apartment there.

“Is it true that tax rates are super high here?” Ellie asked Madison, with a look of concern on her face. Madison laughed. “All you need is a good job, Ellie. If you have a job, everything will be alright”.

But that was a year ago. Ellie was in her second term in R.A.D.A.. She had recently scored the role of Coriolanus, even though the role was meant for a man. This achievement had landed her an industry agent. So far, her career was off to a great start. She bent down, placing the dog dish in front of Tessie. Tessie licked her hand in gratitude. Ellie stood up, and walked to her bedroom, getting ready for an audition at the school.

As she was driving towards the school, she realized that it was her mom’s birthday. Ellie knew that she had to call her, or things wouldn't turn out so great. She reached for her phone in her pocket, and dialed her mom’s phone number.

“Hey Mom! Just calling to say happy birthday!” Ellie said cheerfully. “feeling any older?” she asked her mom as she laughed. She talked with her mom for a few minutes, driving along. She was coming up to a green light, meaning that she had the right to keep on going. She looked to her right, and saw a huge, eight-wheeler truck heading straight towards her. She screamed in terror, then the truck hit her. The force had caused the car to go flying in the opposite direction, and then a horrible thing happened. The seat-belt that had been holding her in, had snapped. Everything seemed to slow down, like a slow motion part in a film. Ellie looked around herself, as she crashed through her windshield. Then, when she expected to hit the ground, she didn't. Instead, she kept on falling. For what seemed like eternity, she finally hit the ground, and when she did, she blacked out, losing all connection to her mind.

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