Demented House | Teen Ink

Demented House

November 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Stepping onto the lawn of the old and decaying mansion, I looked at the grass. Tall and gray in appearance, it stretched it’s weeds far across the sidewalk outside the house. I slowly moved towards the large door that was the only entrance to the house, and consequently the only exit. The barred windows gave off a sense of foreboding. The gargoyles aligning the rooftop, starring with demonic faces full of agony, left one with a negative feeling. I approached the porch of the ancient house, and made my way towards the door. Taking a glance at the creaky rocking chair on the porch, I noticed a large spider. I looked at the cobwebs embodying every part of the chair, and gripped the door handle, hoping the inside would be more welcoming. I turned the knob to find that the door was indeed unlocked, and placed my right foot onto the wooden floor. Breathing in the house’s air, I caught an eerie scent of pine.
Closing the door behind me, I looked up the steps of the stairwell, sitting in the very center of the house. Training my eyes on the very top of the stairs, I glanced at a figure laying upon the banister. Though I could not see very well, I noticed the absence of the figure when I took a closer look. Deciding to make an even closer observation later, I took my curiosity down the first hall to the left. The hall took me to what had to be a kitchen, with an old stove and fireplace. The fireplace happened to be holding a flame. Turning to my right I noticed a pair of butcher knives glistening in the light of the small blaze. I decided it best to put the fire out, fearing something might kindle the fire to become larger. Standing back after my work, I mused at the smoldering ash pondering how the fire could have been lit. Almost as to answer me, a shrill cry let out from what sounded like the second floor of the house. Startled, but not frightened, I began to run back through the hall which I had come from.
Exiting, I came to the bottom of the stairs for the second time. My nerves were still with me, I heard a second cry. Concerned, I climbed the stairs to see who or what could have made such a noise. That was when I met the fork. Four different doors rose from the smooth wooden floor. Not seeing that this mattered, I opened the one nearest to me. Happening to be the one on the far right, I entered it and immediately came upon a body. The body lying in a fetal position stroked the leg of a bed that it lay near. Chilled by the look of someone in such agony, I only starred. Transfixed upon the body until it let out a horrible whine. I then dropped to my knees and crawled over to the now hissing body. I reached my hand out to touch its back, and that was when the head turned to face mine. A fear for what I had just gotten myself into came over me as I looked into its eyes. Even though it was now silent at the sight of me, its eyes screamed a kind of look that went into my soul and clenched them with an evil power. Panicked I ran from the room and the body that was now screaming at the top of its lungs. Turning back only for a second, I saw what looked to be the body rising from the floor.
I did not care where the body was or what it was, all I cared about was getting out of the ancient house with my life. I ran to the front door, and grabbed the knob pulling with all the strength I possessed. To no avail though, I ran back down the hall to my left, to the kitchen. Not wasting time, I looked for the knives but they were now gone. I looked to the windows, running over to the curtains, I tore at the large dusty pieces of fabric until the window was revealed to me. Then the recollection that the windows were barred
hit me. The last thing I remember was looking outside of the window. Looking at the haven that was just outside, looking at the monster behind me in the reflection of the window.

The author's comments:
It is a short story I decided to create using an old house and a narrator.

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This article has 1 comment.

freeday15 GOLD said...
on Nov. 25 2013 at 8:03 pm
freeday15 GOLD, Paramus, New Jersey
18 articles 0 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is Blind" i truly believe in this it is in all of my pieces, and if u read between the lines then u will find it there...

I love this! Great job with the description! I liked your use of literary devices and the metaphors and symbols you used. It made me have chills towards the end. Great use of words.