In The Dead Of The Night | Teen Ink

In The Dead Of The Night

May 26, 2013
By JayMc BRONZE, Manning, Other
JayMc BRONZE, Manning, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In The Dead Of The Night
“Philippe, we might as well just call it quits for the day. We’re not getting anywhere.” Sighing, Kara eyed the paperwork spread across her desk with a frown. “Let’s just get a good night’s worth of sleep and try again tomorrow.”
It’s just Monday. You have all week. she reassured herself. Working in a law firm had proved to be a challenge, but that’s exactly what Kara liked about it. She was tired of everything being given to her because of her wealth; Kara wanted to earn something for herself. After discovering her passion for law, she had applied to Harvard Law School and, much to her pleasure, had been accepted.
Until this point in time- three months into the term- Kara had breezed through, but the latest assignment was turning into a struggle… and quick. She had spent all weekend sifting through evidence and paperwork looking for a lead only to be left empty-handed.
Kara snuck a glance at Philippe over her shoulder and flashed a smile as she saw him studying her. His eyes narrowed and Kara whipped her head back around, fear pouring off of her in waves.
“Tomorrow then- do you need a ride, Kara?” Kara bit her lip as Philippe’s monotone voice spoke to her. She could hear him sliding papers into his leather bag as she pondered over her options.
Tilting her head to the right, a habit she had acquired when she was young, Kara thought about the risks. Well, for one, she could walk home in the rain and dark and risk being mugged or she could ride with Philippe, her partner who had a startling mysterious glow to him that radiated danger.
Pushing her bangs from her eyes, Kara made her decision. “Yeah, that would be lovely. Thank you.”
Philippe looked at her through his lashes and smiled. “It’s settled then. Shall we go?” He leaned over and offered Kara a hand. Taking it in hers, Kara couldn’t help but feel small and useless against his firm grip. She nodded once, capturing her bottom lip between her teeth.
Kara followed close behind him as they walked out the front doors and to his car. The vast darkness in the night sky made her squirm as an odd feeling set over her. Philippe opened
the passenger door and smirked, “M’lady.” She stepped in cautiously and sighed in contentment as nothing miraculous seemed to happen.
“So…” Kara cleared her throat and tapped her fingers on her thigh, “this case… it’s confusing, huh?”
Philippe looked at her curiously, “It’s not the only confusing thing.”
“That so?” she mused. He nodded his head once.
“What’s your street?”
She blushed as she realized she had forgotten to tell him, “31st Crows Avenue. The tenth house on the right.”
Philippe smiled dangerously, “That’s right on my way.”
The car collapsed into an awkward silence as Philippe continued to drive on, leaving the two and their thoughts alone.
Kara grasped her legs roughly as a wave of nausea washed over her. This can’t be happening! She frantically forced herself to take slow, deep breathe. Breathe, Kara. She reminded herself. The anxiety overwhelmed her as she put her head between her knees- a trick that always seemed to work.
She could distantly hear Philippe chuckle as the car swiveled; they had turned onto another street. “Are you okay, Kara?”
“Um, yeah,” she forced out of her mouth, “just fine. I’m just, er, looking at your floor.” Her voice sounded strangled and weak as the nausea swept over her again.
“It’s quite a nice floor, isn't it?” Kara could picture Philippe smirking at her as he said this. “Anyways, we seem to have taken the wrong turn.” He said.
She looked up at him in alarm. “What?” Kara questioned worriedly.
“Yep,” Philippe’s expression darkened, “I guess you’ll have to stay at my house.”
“No, no, I’ll just walk.” Kara reached for the door hurriedly, but not fast enough as Philippe locked the door.
“That won’t be necessary.” He said as his hand clamped on her arm.
Philippe dragged Kara into the house and threw her onto the couch angrily. He reached under one of the cushions and pulled something out. Kara tried to focus on what was in his hands, but the after-effects of her anxiety were still controlling her.
It glinted in the light and Kara forced herself to look away as the light burned her eyes. Philippe studied her face as he showed her what he was holding.
Realization dawned on Kara’s face, then slowly faded into a look of horror. A dark smile flitted across Philippe’s face as she stood up abruptly then fell to the ground in front of the couch. He leaned down and stuck his face directly in front of Kara’s. She tried to push herself away from him, but failed when he grabbed her shoulders roughly and held her in place.
“Since that pretty face of yours is too distracting in the office,” he whispered, “I’m thinking I should just rearrange it.” Philippe let go of her and stood up straight. He motioned for her to get up.
Kara refused.
Narrowing his eyes at her, Philippe grabbed onto her arm and tugged her up to him. Her body jostled as he shook her, trying to get her to look him in the eyes.
Aggravated, Philippe raised his hand with the knife and dragged it across Kara’s chin, smiling at the copper blood that dripped from the wound. He shuddered in pleasure.
“What are you going to do to me?” she looked at him as a stray tear fell from her eyes.
He just smirked.
A shocked look grasped Auden’s face as she whispered, “But… you can’t.”
“And why not?” Philippe asked, the amusement evident in his voice.
“Because…” Kara started, “because…” Philippe’s eyebrow raised expectantly. “Because my dad can pay you! He has money, he will pay whatever it is for my release!” she shouted.
“You see, Kara,” Philippe chuckled, “I’m not looking for money.” He grabbed a fistful of Kara’s hair and watched as her eyes widened. She could see the wild, crazed look in his eyes and felt the anxiety begin to hit again. He through her to the ground, pulling out hair as she fell.
Philippe stared at the pile of hair in his hand before throwing it to the ground angrily. “Get up.” He growled. Kara sprang to her feet, obeying his orders, only to be greeted by Philippe’s fist hitting her stomach. She fell against the wall groaning, which only encouraged Philippe to keep punching her. He hit her with enough force so as to not let her hit the ground and after he decided he was done, he let her sink to the ground and delivered a blow to her face.
Looking up at the ceiling, Philippe inhaled the smell of her blood and exhaled shakily. Blood was his guilty pleasure, as others would put it.
He could hear the padding of feet on the cement floor. Philippe looked over his shoulder to see Kara clumsily running towards the front door. He pulled the knife from his back pocket and ran towards her, grabbing the belt loop of her shorts and pulling her to the ground.
“You've been a bad girl.” He snapped at her, spit flying from his mouth. Philippe’s eyes looked dazed as he swept his finger across her blood covered chin and sucked off the bitter liquid. His eyes snapped shut as he shuddered.
Overcome by the blood lust, Philippe pushed the knife just above her mouth and pushed on it until he felt it break her skin. He felt the friction reduce as he pushed harder and Philippe slid the knife around her red lips.
Philippe maneuvered the knife up to her nose. Her face was coated in blood, but it still wasn't enough to satisfy him.
Philippe wildly poked the knife into the tip of her nose and pushed it down harder, twisting it as Kara writhed wildly beneath him. A loose hole of skin and gushing blood formed and Philippe looked at it, a proud look on his face. He lifted one of her arms and slashed her wrist, ignoring the short scream that Kara released.
You know what?, he thought, She’s bleeding a lot. I’ll just let her bleed out.
He stepped back and sat on the couch and watched Auden curiously as her lips moved. Philippe craned his neck to listen.
“Dear God, I know I haven’t been very faithful to you, but now I realize my mistake. Just... please help me. That is, if you can. I want a second-“
Philippe watched her body go completely slack and sighed in contentment when he realized she was dead. Walking to the kitchen cupboard closest to him, Philippe reached in and grabbed the cleaning supplies.
Now for the fun part. He thought sarcastically.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 4 2013 at 12:29 pm
BrisieBoo SILVER, Lucas, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Romeo and Juliet (II, ii, 1-2)

This article is so good! It had me sucked in from the beginning