The Haunted House | Teen Ink

The Haunted House

October 30, 2012
By Kiara Vega BRONZE, Huachuca City, Arizona
Kiara Vega BRONZE, Huachuca City, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As we sat all night in the haunted house listening to the wind blow across the creaking roof feeling at any moment it would collapse. The ticking of the grandfather clock in the silence of night. As we take a glace down the hall watching Angelina get pushed down the stair from a ghost possessing her untamed soul as one last shrek was all we heard down she fell breaking every bone possible blood gushing from her it was a sickened blood bath that had just began. As we all got up and run down to see her we freeze and stare she was floating possessed by a blood thristy demon as we back up into the stairs out comes a screeching yell busting our ear drums having blood fall from our ears crying in pain we run away scared out of our minds we run into a room with Angelina chasing us close behind as every single glass broke we got stuck with only a mirror as we got curious we came close we looked in the mirror and right behind us appeared a lady in black with blood running down every inch of her the mirror breaks leaving us fallen to the ground with shattered glass pierced into out skin we screamed and Holland for help that never came. As the lady in black picked up Andred and was suffocating her as she tried to break free the lady in black snapped andreds neck leaving her body on the ground I run away being chased by things unimaginable as I grab a rope and hang my self instead of being tortured slowly by an unclaimed soul.

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