The Man in the Shadows | Teen Ink

The Man in the Shadows

October 7, 2012
By bandgeek44 BRONZE, Oak Hill, Ohio
bandgeek44 BRONZE, Oak Hill, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On a stormy, frightening night, I was walking through the woods. A blue moon was shining through the trees. I could barely see anything, but I could feel it. The cold breeze that follows me. The stinging of the rain as it falls in my face. The one thing I did see, however, was a man's face. Or maybe, perhaps, I felt him staring at me. At that moment, I wanted to run. I wanted to rush through the woods. Have the trees brush by me as I made my way around them, but I couldn't. Once he stepped out of the shadows, I saw his eyes. They were glowing with an eerie shine about them. They stared at me, piercing right through to my very core. I wanted to look away, but they help me in place. They would not let me go. Without realizing what I was doing, I started walking closer to him. Closer and closer with each step. I was right in front of him when he whispered,
"Do not be afraid."

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