Amazing Mrs. Harre | Teen Ink

Amazing Mrs. Harre

May 3, 2012
By Laura Kenney BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
Laura Kenney BRONZE, Omaha, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is the legend of the amazing Mrs. Harre. It was a seemingly normal day in the school office. Everyone was happy and nothing was broken. At least that’s what she thought. All of a sudden Mr. Stara jumps out of the window and Mr. Andreasen and Mr. Bantam come running into the office with scared expressions on their faces. Mrs. Harre made sure Mr. Stara was ok then asked them why they were scared. They told her that the copier was broken and that it had turned into a monster. It keeps jamming and ran out of the mail room and started to roam the halls. Mrs. Harre seems to always come to the rescue.

Monster Copier roaming the halls created havoc among the students! This is not a common occurrence and all are hoping Mrs. Harre will solve the problem fast. Students are rushing to their class rooms and locking the doors; some even before the teacher arrives. Monster Copier has escaped the office and is trying to get away. Mrs. Harre is quick on her feet and fast at making decisions. She runs to catch Monster Copier, who she has worked with for many years. She is hoping that she can get the copier back to the office and get her focus back on the students. She swiftly makes her way to Monster Copier to reason through the situation. When she heads down the hall toward Monster Copier it is already coming toward her. He has calmed himself down and is ready to come back to work, as he doesn’t want to disappoint Mrs. Harre.

Mrs. Harre is the kind of person no one wants to disappoint. She is an amazing school secretary! She has a friendly, warm way with children and adults. Students know she cares about them. Mrs. Harre is a leader and a well known care taker at Mercy High School. Her duties go far beyond secretarial. She manages the door, answers the phone, remembers everyone’s name, and can even control the copier when it has a monster day. Anyone that walks through the door can feel the positive tone she sets. She will forever be remembered and treasured in the hearts of thousands of students.

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