Dramatic Monologue | Teen Ink

Dramatic Monologue

May 16, 2011
By Anonymous

“I sat there in the tree holding the noose, contemplating…Contemplating on whether or not I should do it. It was in London, England where I wanted my life to end. I was being chased, chased by a murderer. His name was, as far as I knew, “Dee Dee”. He was a dark and creepy man. I always saw him everywhere I went. Following me, staring at me with a menacing glare. I could see him from the corner of my eye. I should have seen it coming. “An admirer,” I first thought, “how nice”.Well, it turns out…I was wrong. I was so afraid. I knew his intentions. How could any human want to do that to another innocent human? I didn’t even know him! What could I have possibly done to this man? I shook in fear every day that went on. So, I decided I wanted to do the job for him…”

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