Hospital Freak Out Part I | Teen Ink

Hospital Freak Out Part I

February 26, 2011
By tdub williams BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
tdub williams BRONZE, Frisco, Texas
4 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Ghosts, always creeping up on people and scaring them half to death. Many have been witnesses, and I, yes I Billy Smith the fearless kid who didn’t believe in ghosts was scared of a ghost, a Ronald McDonald ghost

It was a Saturday night in the middle of October and me and my two best friends, Brad and Will Warren were playing a couple games of capture the flag.
I was hiding my neon orange bandana behind The Abandoned Hospital (I’m not kidding that’s what it’s called) under some loose moss by the Huntington Plumbing Cooperation’s sewage drains. This round I was playing Brad, while Will was calling the game. Right as I was finishing covering up the bandana Will told us to hurry up so we can play.

“Come on guys,” Will yelled, “we only got an hour to play!”

“We’re coming” me and Brad yelled in unison.

We met at the boundary line which was just a couple orange spray painted circles we did earlier in the month. At the tweet of Will’s teal call we both charged into each others sides and started searching for each other’s flags.

I was yelling “Billy ain’t silly” as a cheesy battle cry. The first place I looked was up in a big sycamore tree. It had huge knots and thick limbs. I felt disappointed when I found out it wasn’t there, because that’s where it usually was. I started running toward The Abandoned Hospital. As I approached I clicked on my miniature flashlight and entered the gloomy hospital lobby cautiously. The first thing I noticed was a white, red, and yellow paper bag. I shined my light on it and it turned out to be a McDonald’s bag. Inside there was a warm Big Mac with the cheese still spreading over the juicy angus patty. I ate it; I mean really, you wouldn’t leave an unharmed burger sitting there, would you? Suddenly I heard a noise, “who’s there,” I stammered? No reply. Out of no where a man appeared wearing a brown wool jacket with a white crisp shirt underneath. I jumped back so far I thought I landed in China! This man, he looked so familiar, and then I remembered, he used to walk in the woods behind The Abandoned Hospital at night.

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