Just A Dream? | Teen Ink

Just A Dream?

February 25, 2011
By Knzibell13 BRONZE, Camarillo, California
Knzibell13 BRONZE, Camarillo, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her face was like a kid's at a candy store. Eyes wide open, jaw to the ground. As we approached the fair entrance, the smell of sugary kettle corn and the greasy corn dogs made our senses dance. As Holly and I walked under the old, creaky entrance sign, we stood in awe. All the rides were spinning out of control. Holly and I ran straight for our favorite ride, the Twister. We headed to every ride until our faces were the color of pickles. Until I was finally done. My courageous friend wasn't. She wanted to go on the new roller coaster, End of the Ride. Holly suggested that she could go on by herself. I agreed right away. I didn't want to stop her from having fun. My friend waved as she got on the ride. Her facial expressions looked as if she was a scared little puppy. As her train went around the first corner something terrifying happened. The train flew off the track. I couldn't see any motion coming from the mannequin looking bodies that lay on the concrete. The sirens from ambulances and police cars woke me up. I sat up in my bed, afraid of what had just happened. It was just a dream, I thought. Luckily, it was a dream. I'm not sure what I'd do if , my best friend died. I didn't want to think about that too hard, 'cause she is never going to leave me. Soon I was drifting away, into another dream.

"Joanie! Joanie! Wake up honey!" I could hear my mother shouting from the hallway. Being a teenager, I grunted at her and pulled the covers over my face. It was a gloomy Saturday, sleepy weather as my family calls it, so of course I didn't want to get out of bed. My mom came to me and sat down on my old, squeaky bed.

"Honey, I have some bad news." When I heard those words, that's when I sat up intensively. My mother continued, "Holly was at the fair last night with her boyfriend, Matt. The ride she was on broke and collapsed. Holly and everyone else on the ride got killed." I didn't know what to say or do, so I did the only thing possible. Cry. I cried and cried. My best friend was gone. Then I thought, the dream! Was my dream trying to tell me something? Was it a dream, or was I really there?

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