Transformation | Teen Ink


October 27, 2010
By peanutbutter421 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
peanutbutter421 BRONZE, Henderson, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day slowly turned over to darkness. The crater scarred full moon was enveloped by grey clouds swiftly moving through the night. The chilled wind howled and the air was wet with mist. Waiting for the inevitable, deep in the forest, was a man unlike others who thought he would be better off dead. This kind of night comes many times where he has to face his inner turmoil. His transformation will begin as soon as the clouds part and expose the moon. He knows it will happen tonight, he just isn’t sure of the exact moment.

He stands, waiting, at the base of an enormous Oak tree that has seen his change many, many times. The tree has become a friend. As he looks up through the branches of the tree, he sees the clouds begin to part and knows his transformation is about to take place. As the moon peaks through, the ravaged skin on his torso starts to burn. He knows the moment is at hand. His body trembles and he feels cold as the hair on his arms thicken. His face contorts, his body slumps over, he is becoming the thing he wishes he wasn’t. His friend can only watch as he howls at the full moon.

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