Halloween Crasher | Teen Ink

Halloween Crasher

November 20, 2023
By Anonymous

On Halloween night my friends and I were watching a movie when we overheard something, “Did you see this apparently an adult is going around in a costume scaring kids, they said kids are getting split up and some have not been seen since.”.

We continued watching the movie and didn't think anything of this because we weren't planning on going out to trick or treat this year. But then my friends asked if we wanted to go out and see what was going on with these missing kids. 

After our movie we headed out to the street everybody trick or treated at Iivy Llane. There were so many kids out and nothing out of the ordinary, although it was pretty foggy and there weren't as many street lights or hHalloween lights. We started trick or treating until we saw there was a tall figure walking down the street. He was dragging his leg like some sort of zombie out of a movie and kids were running and screaming. Me and my friends waited until it got closer and the mask of the costume was just a faded white face and it seemed it didn't even have eye holes. There weren't that many kids left on the street so we started to run as well, but while we were running I noticed that one of the other kids in the group wasn't with us. I figured he must just be ahead of me since I was at the back cause I started running last so I didn't say anything. We turned around and the figure had stopped. It was looking at something and started to run at it.

Once we got far enough away on the street that we saw lots of people again we stopped but I still didn't see Josh running with us. There was no sign of whatever the thing we saw back there was so we continued on trick or treating. 

“That thing was definitely just a parent trying to scare us away” said Donald

“Yes obviously what else would it be,” I said.

“Well I heard this story once, it was based on Halloween, called the Halloween bandit.”

“It is a myth but some say it's real,” he said with a whisper.

“They say that he comes out at midnight on halloween…”

“Well we just saw him and it's only…11:00pm we still have an hour till he supposedly comes out.”

“You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say he comes out at midnight for the big event where he starts to attack kids and people really go missing.”

“Although they say sometimes he is seen before looking for a target and will take them making people split up and look for him and then he makes them easy targets.”

“Alright that's enough with the stories, do you want to keep trick or treating and having fun or do you want to keep worrying about some make believe myth that you heard.”

“Let's go trick or treat, BUT STAY TOGETHER.”

We went back to trick or treating and it was so fun we got so many candies. We were out trick or treating until about 11:45 when we noticed the moon was gone and there was a very little amount of people left on the street. In fact it was only us and 1 other person who looked like he was cleaning up his yard. 

The night was just about coming to an end so we called our parents and told them we needed a ride home and they were on their way. I started counting my candy when I noticed that the person wasn't in their yard and was closer to us now.

“We should start walking to the edge of the street now” I suggested.

“You know, so it is quicker for them to pick us up.”

“Sure,” Donald said.

I looked back and this time I was sure that this was him.

The Halloween bandit.

I was almost certain that it was him on the yard since he wasn't really doing anything just kind of standing there looking down, and his leg looked like it was before when he was limping to us earlier it looks like it is barely holding on to him. But then when he got closer I could see the white of the mask and I could tell instantly it was him. Now when I turned back he was only a couple yards away. The white mask completely exposed is coming at us now. He must have been following us this whole time but we weren't able to see him since the fog. Then I remembered where he was. My friend that wasn't with us before. He still isn't here. No, no, no. He got to him

“He's gone”I whispered

“Who,” said donald.


“Well where is he?”

“The bandit got him.”

“What do you mean that is just a myth I thought.”

“Look he's here.”


“Turn around.”

“Run we have to run…”

“No, we can't make it. Anyways we have to get Josh back and stop whoever this guy is!”





“Ok you asked for it.”

Just then we started to run in different directions and the thing stopped in the middle of the road. The plan was he was going to call the police while I distracted it but when I turned back around it was gone. And so was Donald, so I started to walk over to where he was supposed to be. There I see it but where is it going? It didn't follow me, it must have followed him. It is running away, and Donald is behind it. He must be going to wherever Josh is. I bolted after them hoping to catch them and see where they were going.





After a while I caught up and we were here. It is a huge house and it looks run down like no one lives there anymore. Me and Donald follow it and it is going into the basement. By the time we arrive at the house the police are outside and they run in first. Me and Donald are forced to stay outside while they go down. After a couple minutes we hear and CLANG and Donald and I get startled so we hide behind a bench and look to see what it was. Then the police walk up holding what seems to be the bandit but unmasked, and following them is Josh and a couple others I don't recognize, but by the looks they seem to have been in there for a long time, maybe months. Josh comes over

“JOSH,” Donald and I said happily. 

“What happened, how did you get here” I asked?

“It got me.”

“Back before we saw it first I was still at the house getting candy when you guys ran off,” said Josh.

“It grabbed me and took me here.”

“There people have been here for a year, since last halloween.”

“Wow,”  said Donald, surprised.

“Well thankfully all that is over.”


We ended the night watching a movie. The three of us, me, Donald and Josh.

We never did find out who the Halloween bandit was though. When we asked the police they said it didn't matter and it was just good that we put a stop to this. Although when we asked Josh he said he did get a glimpse of his face and it was similar to the mask, one side of his face was just white tapped over but flat. And the other half showed a red scar from his nose down past his chin. In the end we were all just glad it was all over and we didn't have to deal with that anymore.

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