The Bloody Birthday Party | Teen Ink

The Bloody Birthday Party

April 18, 2023
By Anonymous

Bloody Birthday Party

Growing up I always glanced, curiously, out my bedroom window. In the distance, an old and crumbly house. I had always wondered who lived there. My dream growing up as a child was to have that one, fun, and normal neighborhood kid who you could always call up to play with whenever you felt like it. But the odds of having that normal neighborhood kid were not in my favor.
March 11th, at my twelve-year-old birthday party, is when I found out that a boy my age was living next door inside the house outside my bedroom window. He was very to himself, but in an odd way, and he also always looked like he had not showered in days. My mother told me it was a good idea to invite him over to the house with all of the other kids. My group of friends and I walked over to his house and knocked on the front door. After a few minutes, we hear footsteps slowly creeping to the door. The door creaked open about an inch so that all you could see was a bloodshot eyeball. My friends and I explained how we were there to invite their son to my party. The person opened the door all the way and invited us into the house. As we entered the house, all I could notice was the disgusting floors and walls. The floors were covered in garbage and objects so that there was barely room for a footstep. The walls were chipped and covered with cobwebs in the corners. The second I entered the house I wanted to burst back out the front door. My friends and I all exchanged a look of fear like we were part of a scary movie and we were the characters trapped inside a haunted house. Stumbling over a few more objects and pieces of trash on the ground, the young boy my age came out from around the corner, into the living room. As I greeted him, he barely made eye contact.
“Don’t worry, he's just a little shy at first, he’ll warm up to ya,” his parents reassured me.
Jason was the boy’s name. Jason followed us back to my house and walked with his head staring down at his feet, striking the ground one by one. When we got back to the house my parents greeted Jason and welcomed him into our home. Afterward, we proceeded to open presents, sing, and eat cake. My parents cleaned our dishes after devouring our food, and then we all went to the living room and turned on a scary movie. About thirty minutes into the movie, I got up to go to the bathroom and told my friends I was going to change into my pajamas in my room. After I was done in the bathroom I went into my room, when I then heard the door shut behind me. I looked over behind me in fear and saw Jason. He had a gun.
“Where did you get that?” I said, petrified.
I was shaking. As I was about to scream, Jason shushed me so the others would not hear. I did not understand how a twelve-year-old would get a gun.
“Be quiet, or it won’t be good!” He exclaimed.
I did not wrap my head around what was happening, I was being held at gunpoint by a twelve-year-old.
“I want you to get me your Dad’s wallet.” He whispered angrily.
Jason followed me out into the kitchen to make sure I would not say anything, as I tried to get ahold of my Dad’s wallet. I crept up to the kitchen counter and I spotted his wallet laying there. I grabbed it as fast as I could, without anyone noticing I had come out of the bedroom. Jason then followed me back to the bedroom, where I exchanged the wallet with him.
“Now if you ever tell anyone about this, I will bring my gun back.” He stated.
Jason and I went back out into the living room where everyone was watching the movie and then got a knock on the door. Jason’s Dad was here to pick him up. Jason, being back to his shy self, put on an act and moped out the door. All I could think about as that night ended, was how I was held at gunpoint by a twelve-year-old. But I had to forget about it, I did not want something bad to happen to my family or I.
Years later I was now 19. Jason still lived next door to me and I would still see him around every once and a while. One night I was heading to a party in the woods behind our house. Deep enough that no one would hear or find us. When I arrived at the party with my friends we all got a drink and found a spot to sit by the fire. After a few more drinks, I started to feel really tired and wanted to go home. I stood up and told my friends it was time for me to go to bed.
“COPS!” someone screamed.
My friends and I darted deeper into the woods and split as we got through the branches. I had lost where my friends were. The woods behind my house were miles long in all directions, and I lost where I was going. I no longer knew what direction to go home. I tried to keep calm and began walking and pondering what to do. I could not call anyone because I dropped my phone a long way back. I was screwed.
After a couple of minutes of walking, I heard rustling in the distance. All I could see was a shadow and they had a shovel. They were burying a body in the woods. I was in shock. I tried to turn around and act like I had not seen anything, but I tripped over a stump and fell. They heard the loud crunch when I landed on the ground.
“Who’s here? They asked.
Lying on the ground in shooting pain, I made eye contact with the person. They grabbed me by the arm and kept telling me that I better not say anything about what I saw.
“I won’t tell anyone, I swear!” I reassured them.
But they could not be convinced.
They used rope in their backpack to tie me up to a nearby tree. I was tied up so tight that my spine felt like was being crushed into pieces by the tree. Then, I received duct tape to my mouth, so I could no longer speak. I was shaking, so scared, I could feel my heart hammering. I broke out into a cold sweat. I felt like I could not breathe, and started to feel faint.
It was around a couple of hours of being tied up on the tree and I did not know where the person went. I felt tight in my chest because I could not catch a single breath, and my eyes were so heavy, they would barely open. But I heard rustling again. They were back. I could barely see in the distance what they were doing, but I could see that they had their shovel in their hand, and looked like they had dug another hole. They came right up to me and I could tell they could sense my fatigue. Then they lifted up their shovel and took a couple of blows to my head. The person was trying to kill me.
They were going to bury me alive. I should have never invited him to my birthday party.

The author's comments:

This is a piece about a girl having a very odd neighbor growing up and decides to include him at her twelve-year-old birthday party. She later finds out that he is very weird and seems to be very dangerous. Later on in the story, she attends a party and meets him again in the woods, when he is doing something very interesting.

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