Watch Out | Teen Ink

Watch Out

May 26, 2009
By Anonymous

Back in 2001, there was a mystery. It involved a house on Maple Street. The resident living there was a mid-aged man near his 50’s. His name was Joe Cole. He wore either striped or solid shirts and hey wore dress pants. He stated in the basement there was a little door with a little brass knob. He tried a lot of ways to open it. One day he called a locksmith to try and open it, but nothing worked. After a few nights he keeps hearing noises coming from the basement. He opens the door, but finds nothing. So he starts wondering “what was the noise”. In the morning to his surprise there was a long line (like a snake makes in the mud). When the pest control got to the house was no sign of it. They said that it was probably a snake. The pest guys left, so Joe Cole could sleep nicely. That night the noise had returned, so Joe got his bat and flashlight and went into the hallway. Then all of a sudden he heard his cat screech. As he rounded the corner he saw something slither into the basement, but he had set a trap for the thing. He heard the thing screech. He did not want to hurt it so he let it go in the near by park!!!

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