Bloody Eyes | Teen Ink

Bloody Eyes

May 24, 2019
By Anonymous

She was so exhausted and ready to fall asleep, moments later she was deep in her sleep. All of a sudden she gets woken up by a loud slam. She got up quickly and frantically looked around her room. She rubbed her eyes and thought it was nothing, so she got up and went to the restroom. When she was walking back, she noticed that her door has been shut, but remembered she didn't shut it. She went up to her door and opened it, then quickly slammed it back shut. She saw a quick glance of big bloody red eyes staring right at her. Her heart began to beat faster and faster while tears ran down her face like a waterfall. She slowly put her hand on the door knob thinking she was just seeing things. She took a deep breath and slowly inched the door open. She stared deep into the darkness until it consumed her.

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