The Game | Teen Ink

The Game

May 9, 2019
By Anonymous

Emma Jenkins is a normal 15 year old girl. She is popular, has a spunky attitude, and is very outgoing. Most people seem to like her, and she has a lot of friends. Emma lives with her mom and step dad in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia. On the weekends, she goes to her dads house which is about 35 minutes away from the city. She has tan skin, blue eyes, and brown hair.

Emma has the type of attitude that makes you want to be more like her. She goes to a private school in Atlanta, and is very involved in the extra activities there. She plays Lacrosse and Tennis, is very involved in clothes, and goes to church on the weekends. Her best friend, Peyton, is very similar to her. They're both very kind, but Peyton is a lot quieter than her. Emma takes school very seriously, but of course likes to have fun on the weekends with her friends, just like any other teenager.

Boys always seem to like Emma because of how pretty she is. She has medium brown hair, that reaches about 4 inches above her butt. Her teeth are so white and straight you would think her mom was a dentist. Her eyes are an ocean blue and her skin tone resembles her love for being outdoors. Her style can go from sporty to cut each and everyday. Some days she's wearing lululemon and nike, while other days she's wearing urban outfitters and forever 21. Many girls want to be just like her, but that's not what she wants.

Emma is the most caring girl some people would ever know. No matter who you are, she will ask you how your day is going, and she truly cares about the answer! You would think absolutely nothing has gone wrong in her life, but that is far from true. She has struggled a lot but does not show it. She puts everyone else before herself. Some girls dont

The author's comments:

I based this off a game people at my school play

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