You Failed | Teen Ink

You Failed

September 28, 2018
By Anonymous

                                                                    You Failed

It’s been 13 days on the boat so far.  The deep dark ocean is a black abyss. And I’m all alone. I'm running very low on food. All I have is 5 granola bars and bread.  I'm starting to contemplate whether I should even try to survive. I can't remember why I was on this boat and where the boat is going. Good thing for me is that I was in Boy Scouts for 5 years, so I have taken on some survival skills over the years.

There is still no sign of land. Or why I was on the boat. But I did find a map that showed where this boat was going, Pier 21. I don't know what that is but it is on the coast of Canada and the map shows that the boat course started in Spain. There is also some more food in the cabinets so I'm going to eat.

I ate some granola bars and started to look around the 60-foot yacht. Something about this boat seems to be off. Everything is white and perfectly clean. There are 2 first aid kits, 1 flare gun, and 5 MRE’s (Meal ready to eat.) It almost looks like it was set up, just waiting for me to be all alone on the boat. Well, I don't know if I'm all alone.  

There is one room that looks almost to be a closet that is solid metal and locked. There is no handle and no hinges on the frame which is very weird. It almost looks just like a wall, But there is a gap at the bottom about 2 centimeters tall. Last time I checked the walls shouldn’t be floating. It is solid when I pound on it there is no noise at all. Meaning it is at least 6 inches thick. There is a weird noise coming from the door. It sounds like a faint beeping sound. Or an alarm going off.

I walked around the shiny white floor and realized that the boat didn't even seem to be moving. The waves crashing against the boat, and the wind made it seem like the boat was moving but it wasn't. It was almost like the boat was anchored down to the ocean floor. The only way I knew that is because of the stars Boy Scouts came in handy for once. Every night the constellations and stars were in the exact same place and if I were moving they would change every night.

Now I realize that me being on this boat is no accident. I start screaming,

“I figured it out!” multiple times but nothing happens. “What if this wasn't an accident,” I tell myself. “What if I was actually on this boat stranded, with by the looks of it less than a week left of survival.”

I feel like I am Sherlock Holmes trying to solve a mystery. I'm looking around the walls, The floor,  and the ceilings. One thing I noticed is that there are paintings. One painting looks like it is a painting of the boat I'm on. Another one looks like a sailor, it looks like he's on the boat is on but I can't really tell. The thing that looks suspicious is the background. They look identical in every way possible. The waves are the exact same, The color of the ocean. Maybe it's just a coincidence but it looks weird.

When I open my eyes from my nap I smelled something. Something was burning, it smelled like my dad making a pizza. Not good. There was a fire on the main floor of the boat. It was blazing. I felt like I was locked in a small box. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. My mind is scrambled like eggs. I start to think about what I should do but can't think of anything except that I can tell it was an electrical fire. Because when I poured water on it just expanded.

“But what could have started that?” I tell myself. “There was no electricity on the boat.” But there was the one metal door that isn't opening. I start to run very quickly to the door to see if it was causing it and sure enough I couldn't stand closer than 20 feet from the door without me getting burned alive.

The fire has consumed the whole main level and not in trapped on the roof. All I have up here is the granola bars that I never ate. I think to myself, “This is it.” It's all over. So I start praying and confessing. “I am so sorry for everything that I did wrong in life. To all my family I disappointed. To everyone that loved and cared about me.” The fire seemed to slow down and I took the time to think to myself and eat most likely my last meal. Every time I finished a granola bar the fire inched closer. The whole boat is now ablaze and there is only close to 10 feet left of the floor that is not on fire.

I finished my last 5 granola bars and sat on the edge of the gigantic white boat. I wanted to jump but it felt like there should be a reason for me to not jump. But I can't think of one. I slowly creep off the edge of the boat. Everything feels like it's in slow motion. Like I'm in the matrix. As one foot slowly hangs off the boat I see the fire is getting even closer.  I think to myself, “Do I die a slow and painful death or a cold and miserable death.” My other leg goes off the boat. I feel my butt slip off the edge and everything flashed before my eyes. As soon as I touch the water everything freezes. The fire, the waves, everything. It all goes black and I'm still alive, at least I think I am. All I hear is a deep eerie voice say one thing. “You failed.”

The author's comments:

My name is Zac , I am an 8th grader and I am 13.

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