Natrua | Teen Ink


May 31, 2016
By alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
alec.catarozoli BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Natura is sitting on the tree branch waiting for her friends to arrive.

(Walks in with Flare and Scorch from SR)
Okay kids now The King said that Natura would meet you both here. I will come back for you after the meeting.

(Turns to Flare)
Aren’t you excited to see Natura again? I can’t remember the last time that we saw here.

(Looks away indicating she could care less)
I bet you are happy to see her, but me on the other hand I would rather be getting in more training time. Don’t you want to become a strong warrior like father?(Finally turning to her brother)

(Cuts into the conversation) I think that he wants to become strong just like you. Although Flare there is nothing wrong with taking time to relax and enjoy the downtime.

Natura jumps down from the tree to join them

Hello Flare, Hello Scorch, Hello King Hrag, long time no see how’s everything back on Muspelheim? Still burning hot?

(jumped back in shock) Oh well hello there Natura, have you been up there the whole time?

Well yeah I was getting bored waiting inside that cramped castle, so I come out here to get some space.

(Quickly says before Hrag Could say anything) Hi Natura. You are looking well.

Everyone looks at him weirdly for cutting in on a conversation.

(Looking around at everyone) What?! Is it a crime for me to think that?

(Walking toward Scorch and placing her hand on his shoulder) No No not at all, it was very sweet of you to think that Scorch.

Well you kids have fun catching up, I should get to my meeting. I am always the last on there.(Walks off SL)

Ugh, I don’t want to be suck here being treated like a child, while the leaders are talking about important world issues.

(Strolls toward the water fountain) Come on Flare enjoy the time that we have to spend with no responsibility. We will soon be the leaders and then we will have all of the 5 worlds problems.

Natura is right!

Of course she is.

(Inching his way over to Natura) So what is new in your life?

(Looking at the water) Well i’ve started my magic training with my mother!

Oh yeah I forgot that some people from Alfheim have the potential to control magic. I’ve always been fascinated by warriors that can use weapons with magic within them.

Yeah I found in my studies that some of the greatest warriors used magical weapons, such as your mother Natura.

Oh yeah, King Hrag told me about the Grand Battle of the Dark Elves.

(Splashes Scorch with the water from the fountain) Yeah she will never tell me about battle she said she lost a great friend in that battle, and she hasn’t battle since that day. 

(Wiping away the water and lowering his head)
That was the battle where are mom was killed by the past King of the Dark Elves.

(Stands to comfort him) Scorch, Flare my apologies I had no idea you have to understand...

(cuts off Natura) It’s fine we know that you didn’t know and you didn’t mean anything by it either.

(raises his head) It’s fine, so you say that you are studying magic. Why don’t you show us some of it.

Okay well I mean I only started a few weeks ago, but here goes nothing.(Walks over to CS)

Natura starts to say some words in her native language the water from the fountain stopped for a second and then a stream started to float around Natura. This stream was following Natura’s every move
Oh wow, not too bad for only a couple weeks.

Can you do attacks with that fancy water trick.

Oh just wait and see.( Natura closes her fists and the water turned and went straight for Flares face.)

(puts her hand up and stops the water with her fire)
Nice try but you will have to be faster than that.

In a joking manner Natura and Flare kept on sending water streams and fire Stream back and forth to one another. Then all of the sudden their two blasts met and in the middle of them was the Tree of life. Now with a huge Chunk missing the lighting changed from light blue to a gray color. All life seemed to leave the air.

Oh crap what did we do.

We disturbed the tree of life, this tree is responsible for all life on this planet and for most of the universe.

Oh crap, we are going to get killed by our parents.

(Comes running in form SL along with the all of the other leader of the 5 worlds)
The tree of life what have you done. Their is no way to fix this. The five worlds are doomed.

The author's comments:

This is really a play.

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