Satan's Flock | Teen Ink

Satan's Flock

June 24, 2014
By ..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
..E.. GOLD, Marietta, Georgia
19 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"everything you do is insignificant, but it is important that you do them"

Lucifer [narrator]: [looking around as if he shouldn’t be talking about this] Ever since Asar’s son joined my ranks and overthrew me, I’ve been locked in the jail of the place that I created. His brothers followed except one. I tell the tale of a rise and of a conspiracy, of how power and wealth gathers men like sheep to a herder waiting for him to treat them to the path if green pastures. These brothers of Asar take so much pleasure out of how heavy with weary the earthly eyes are of those who took their hands and indubitably allowed them to pull them one by one into this dark abyss of disciplinary smacks of heat. Oh! How their eyes plead with them to show them the mercy they wished they actually deserved while they inwardly curse the name of the Heavens for deploying them here. Oh! What satisfaction it brings to poke their chest just to try them.
Cain: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! [Letting out a loud chuckle that seemed only meant for him.] How’s the sun treating you? Ha-Ha! [Asking the man with a sleeve of tattoos]
Tattoo man: [Looking away seeming not fully here but all too aware of what was happening and with no hesitation]. This [gesturing to the holding] is no sun. The sun represents the light of life and mercy. [Spits at Cain’s feet] and you, Cain, are no form of the sun.

[Tattoo man stares at Cain intrepidly which makes the fool sneer looking as if a wolf ready to pounce. In walks Apollyon with his siblings Harry, Deuce, and Seth on his left. Aida, his sister in law, on his right]
Apollyon: Sit. Down. … Cain. Stand. Down.
Lucifer[narrator]: [Light focuses on him with his hands gripping the bars of his cell, still looking like he is not supposed to be talking to the audience] All eyes swindle from the tension that had stolen their attention and dragged them now onto the man who took my place. Apollyon. Cain’s brother, son of Asar, oldest of seven. He “created” this grand, fiery hole to try and rise against the youngest sibling, the one who assumed a greater throne than Apollyon thought he deserved, and he sought to one day cease his brother’s title.
Cain: Well, hello brother. I was just having a little fun with this fool before me, if you care to take heed. [He pauses and walked toward Aida, examining her] Well, don’t you look nice… my doors all always open if you have any nightmares…
Apollyon: Cain, you are needed in the council room. Bring the caged man with you. Give him some food and water; we need him in his right mind. [Taking note of what was about to happen, he faces the Tattoo Man] And let this man take his place in the cell… I think he needs some solitary adjustment.
Lucifer[narrator]: Oh now we see the smoke rise and thicken making every light in the off sets of high and low dark yet robust, influential yet formidable; fierce yet tasting so great.
[Lights dim and Exit Apollyon, plus brothers and sister-in-law, and Tattoo man, Curtain closes, Scene changes, Lucifer stays on the side of the stage]
[Kingdom of Heaven backdrop, King of the Heavens and Michael are on stage, Lights on Lucifer for further narration.]
Lucifer [narrator]: Limited is the credit given to the wits of women. Unlimited is the laughter given at their supposed stupidity of believing that a woman can outwit a man. Yet the women laugh and spit in our faces, Men, at our stupidity. But yet we praise them for their intelligence.
[Enter Messenger to the King of the Heavens on his throne consulting with Michael]
Messenger: My Lord, Aida has sent her personal messenger. I will read it aloud. [Pauses for the King of the Heavens’ approval]
King of the Heavens: Proceed.
Messenger: [unrolling a scroll] and it reads:

Hello, My Love, I am fine. They treat me well but still as a hostage. Your brothers have dreams, dreams that will not lighten the load on your shoulders. They are lead by Apollyon, who has taken the title of Satan, the name of which he took from Lucifer your other brother. They have dreams of circling seven times your great never-ending city of gold to break down its walls with all of their contradicting beliefs, so they will finally see you fall and lie with your head bowed and at their feet. I must cut this short before they discover me being the light at the end of this dark place, for I am apparently, supposed to be the queen of Hades, but I am only loyal to you, my Lord. I will return with more news if I can. Farewell.
King of the Heavens: Thank you, Messenger. You are dismissed.
Messenger: My Lord. [Gives a simple nod and Exits]

[King of the Heavens and Michael wait until Messenger leaves to discuss the matters in the letter]

Michael: Can’t you just snap your fingers and destroy this place, my Lord? They are but the crumbs that fall off the table.
King of the Heavens: Michael, I am not of that spirit. They are still a part of my creation and I refuse to destroy…
Michael: [interrupting]. They don’t believe in you. My King, they do not care about you. Your blood brothers hate you and want to destroy all that you have built... And you want to save the critters, and the rats, and the toads that seep with poison flooding the belly of Hades… Why? What have they done to fall under your grace and mercy?
King of the Heavens: Michael…
Michael: Why! Your majesty, why do you want to save them!? They have defied you. They have refused to acknowledge your existence. Why do you save them if they will never look to you as their Savior?
King of the Heavens: Control yourself, Michael. I save them because they know not what they do…
Lucifer[narrator]: Cain throws hard bread at me and splashed water on me that sizzled my skin. He drags me to the court room into my normal spot in the middle of the large podium. I remember how well constructed this room was, once you were in only the people on the outside could drag you back out unless you gained knowledge of the tunnel below the podium that leads to the open area of Hades.

[Crowd of the Court is mumbling in low whispers only to be silenced by the entrance of Lucifer, followed by Apollyon, Deuce, Seth, Harry, and Aidan. [Aidan is shoved out of the room by a guard]]

Apollyon: I believe you are in my seat.
Lucifer[Satan]: I would be careful, dear brother, I built Hades. And what did you build?oh yes, a cell of iron bars within my creation. My deepest apologizes. [Not rising from his seat forcing Apollyon to seat in the seat farthest to the right]
Lucifer[Satan]: So Apollyon… Oh!Brother,where are you? Come stand before me so I can see you. [Apollyon reluctantly rises from his seat and stands in front of the podium annoyed; resenting the humiliation Lucifer was causing him] Now that is much better, agree? [Addressing the court] Now, Apollyon, why have you asked for me? I have other obligations. Like collecting dust like the gathering of sand on the shores with your little cell in my Hades.
Apollyon: Lucifer, if you please…
Lucifer[Satan]: Lucifer? Oh, no, no, no. You are to address me as Satan…
Apollyon: Lucifer, but I…
Satan[Lucifer]: As I lay my fiery behind on this throne in my court room that I built in my Hades, I am and will always be Satan, the only Satan, the first Satan, and you will address me as such. Understood, Brother?
Apollyon: Satan, we acknowledge your accomplishment of being the great divider of possible afterlives, and we are at knee to you to for your consent on how to conquer the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we are the only possible afterlife.

[A long pause]

Satan [Lucifer]: Haha. I got up and left. I got my followers and my sizzling, hot-headed behind and left that piece of dung. Then I built this place. You arrogant, dirty fool, I never asked your brother for permission to leave, for he had no say in my actions. Haha... you thought I fought your brother. You are nothing but a follower trying to steal the Vatican only to find it moved to Spain.
[Angry, Apollyon punches Satan in the face.]
Apollyon: Take him back to his cell. He is useless. Take out the Tattoo Man. Go through the records of all who reside here, and then bring before me those whose cursed minds we can use in our conquest of the Heavens.
Lucifer [narrator]: The ticking of the silence ringing in my eardrums matched the pace of the hard steps of Cain and the other Council members presenting Apollyon with what he requested and taken back the rejected. The ticking in my eardrums ceased, for Apollyon finally found the code to unlock the passage to a successful conquest.

[Apollyon is sitting on his throne. Enter Pizarro and Cortes bound by ropes and being led by Deuce and Seth [Seth and Deuce tell Apollyon, in low voices, of how Pizarro and Cortes conquered the Aztecs]]

Apollyon: You know of my plan of conquest, and I have heard tales of yours, you malevolent beast. My only question is how. How, my friends, did you cause such mutilation?
Pizarro: If I speak of my conquest, Apollyon…
Apollyon: [interrupting]You are to address me as Satan.
Pizarro: If I and my second in command speak of our greatest accomplishment, Satan, you must promise, if you win, to us both a high court and a spot out of this fiery, rat hole. If this fails, I am Hades. I could ask for more because what I am asking is less than the debt you would be in for our assistance in the capturing of the City of Gold.
Apollyon: I will remain ruler of Hades whether the blood flows here of there.
Pizarro: [tries to give a sincere smile] Yes… Cortes, would you like to begin?
Cortes: My lord gathered his men by the promise of gold from the conspiracy of a city of gold. Much of it was luck and weapons and how our warriors took it and ran off into our hideout.
Apollyon: Luck… Luck? We are not minute green men chasing the end of streams of pigmented vapor.
Pizarro: Our ships disembarked at a time that fit an Aztec prophecy of Quetzalcoatl returning as a white male with a beard and Cortez fit this. We secured ourselves by putting onto them that we were gods. Slicing a sword through the heart of the City of Gold was easy in the beginning for we had an easy access for we came at a time that was not meant for war so this city had nothing prepared to defend them.
Cortes: They watered the grass with streams of red and we took hostage their king, Atahualpa.
Apollyon: … and what of your weapons?
Cortes: Satan, oh! Cannons and arquebuses, and dogs and horses, and axes and steel… Haha, their cries of pain turned into cries of fear. Our cannons and arquebuses tranquilized them with fear. Their obsidian spears and sticks and rods shattered and snapped at out axes and steel weapnsThey believed our dogs were possessed for they had never seen one rip at a human’s flesh. To them our horses were dragons or centaurs… superficial creatures.
Apollyon: Anything else?
Cortez: They were not immune to smallpox. Many withered like grass from the sickness we brought to them.
Pizarro: My men wanted to leave me on my conquest by myself… So I set fire to our ships.
Apollyon: Absolutely ruthless…
Pizarro: We took their king and lied about setting him free if they could fill his palace with gold.
Apollyon: Allow me to smooth out this path that you have tried to build. You conquered by lying, capturing the leader and lying, using your weapons and the Aztec’s lack of knowledge of them, and trapping your own crew on this island?
Pizarro: Absolutely, Satan. I mean… Why not?
Lucifer [narrator]: [sitting outside his cell wearing white disguised as an angel, a dim light on him and a brighter light on the stage] Deceit: the winning tactic of all great malevolence and ruthlessness. Apollyon sets his ranks for a war that will never cease to amaze those in years to come. It could be the rise of Hades and the fall of Heaven. The Earthly eyes will plead with Apollyon, with me, be in the greatest, most powerful place on Earth… I would break from my cell and assume the throne once again as Satan, King of Hades. This surge of power taste ever so sweetly on my tongue. Power has never failed to be welcomed by any creature.
Apollyon enters the gates with a golden of the wing of an angel by tricking an angel named Saumit by telling him that he has come to see his brother and congratulate him on the titled he gained. Not used to the light he squints. The golden wing statue then opened up and out crawls the rats, the critters, and the toads of Hades. Apollyon smirks to himself that so far the tactic of deceit was cooperating with his conquest. He has already obtained the King of the Heavens’s precious gem Aida. His control of him was inevitable. [Apollyon turns to the statue] Apollyon expected the underbelly of Hades to be fighting for their lives when he turned to them, yet instead found that they were blinded by long plates of gold with light shining on them that the angels were holding up surrounding them. Drawing his sword he plunges it into the nearest object and withdraws. He stands over his kill only to become tranquilized with agony. The man he killed was his brother Seth.
The battle was premeditated. The King of the Heavens is omnipotent and that slaughtered the heart of Apollyon at the realization. His men were not dead but were unstable.
[Enter King of the Heavens]
King of the Heavens: What have you done, Brother? [tears in eyes]
Apollyon: Forgive me, for I have sinned. I know not of what I have done.

The author's comments:
It was a writing assignment for school where we had to write about Satan trying to take control of the Heavens. See if he is able to conquer it.

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