Life in Retrospect | Teen Ink

Life in Retrospect

March 12, 2014
By RubyElwell BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
RubyElwell BRONZE, Des Moines, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scene One- Aftershocks

(Tommy introduces important characters throughout the first scene. Characters are frozen in tableau-like pictures during the entirety of the scene and do not move nor do they say anything. This scene consists of reflections and afterthoughts through Tommy’s character- very childlike)

Tommy: (introducing mother) This is Katherine. She’s my mother. Isn’t she beautiful? She really is. Mom is an interior decorator. I guess that means she helps people make their houses look nice. Our house looks nice! I like Mommy the best. Don’t get me wrong, I like daddy, too! But daddy doesn’t make me snacks and take me to the movies like mommy does.

(Introduces father) This is my dad. His name is Randal. Ugly name, isn’t it? Randal. He’s a stockbroker. I only really see him at dinnertime. He works a lot. A lot more than Mommy does. But Mommy says that’s okay because he is the one that puts the food on the table for me to eat. I never really understood that though, I mean, Mommy does all the cooking… Anyway.

(gestures offstage) Filo is outside. That’s my puppy. He’s a Morkie. Part Maltese, part Yorkie. I think I miss him the most. I never had to explain anything to him, you know? We just got along without any fighting. (Looks back over to Katherine and Randal) Mom and Dad fight a lot. Sometimes it’s about me. Mom thinks he doesn’t talk about me enough. She says they need to “cherish the good memories with me”, but Daddy wants to forget. Sometimes I wish I could just step back in, for a moment, just to tell them not to worry, not to fight, because I know they care. Even Daddy.

(introduces Bethany) That’s Bethany. She was love of my life. I mean, she still is, I still love her. We never actually talked at all. Well, I said “hello Beth” one time, but she just laughed. She really did think I was very funny! She would laugh at everything I said in class, even when it wasn’t funny. Mrs. Burns would tell her to stop being rude, but I liked it! (Indicating to Mrs. Burns) That’s Mrs. Burns over there. She’s my third grade teacher. She’s a friend of my parents, so she’s nice to me. I don’t like her though; she’s rude to Bethany.

(Gestures to boy of the same age) That’s Sammy. He’s my best friend. Really my only friend, but he’s all I need. We’ve been friends for a long time. I help him with his math homework and he helps me when my parents are fighting. I miss him a lot, too. I visit him from time to time. It just makes me sad though. Because he has no idea I’m there, it’s like I’m invisible. He struggled a lot when I left. I saw him crying with his parents many times, but I think he’s gotten over it now. He doesn’t talk about me much anymore.

(to audience) I get pretty lonely. All I do is watch the people I love live their lives. Unable to join them. Unable to play with Sammy and Filo or hug Mommy when I’m sad. There’s nothing left anymore. I just want to feel again.

Scene Two- Moments Before

(Same day that Tommy passes. Katherine is cooking breakfast and Randal is drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. This seems to be a normal occurrence.)

Katherine: Tommy! Sweetheart, your bacon is cold and the bus will be here in a few minutes. Come downstairs!

Randal: It’s far too early for yelling like that, Darling. He misses the bus; it’s his fault for being late.

Katherine: Don’t be like that, Randy. He’s a little boy. What do you expect from him? Not everyone is as punctual and precise as you. (sarcastically)

(Randal ignores Katherine all together and never turns away from his newspaper.)

(Tommy trots down the stairs and darts into the kitchen.)

Tommy: I’m sorry! I’m sorry, Mommy. (kiss on the cheek) Good morning, Father.

Katherine: Here sweetie, eat your breakfast.

Randal: Look here. The paper says some billionaire is selling the most expensive yacht in all of Florida. Wouldn’t that be nice, honey? A house on the beach with a nice big yacht. We could manage.

Katherine: Oh wow, hear that Tommy? Your father wants to buy a yacht.

Randal: It would be nice, that’s all I’m saying.

Katherine: Let’s first pay the mortgage for this house, before we start thinking about beachfront property and yachts okay?

Tommy: I get to present my report on Australian Bullfrogs in class today.

Katherine: That’s wonderful, sweetheart. I’m sure you will be the best in the whole class, right Daddy?

Randal: Stand with good posture, and don’t drop your sentences. Speak with pride.

Tommy: I’ve been practicing, Daddy. I even have pictures to show the class!

Katherine: That’s my little genius. (Notices bus getting ready to leave.) Ohhh, shoot! Shoot your bus is leaving, Tom! Run outside, quick quick!

Tommy: I love you, Mommy. You too, Father. I’ll see you for dinner.

(We see Tommy run out the door and the house and into the wings. He is running fast and flagging the bus down. When he is offstage we hear car horns honking, screeching tires, and screams. Katherine and Randal open the door and bolt outside and see the accident for the first time. Katherine sobs while Randal holds her, both looking offstage. All are in disbelief. The scene closes with ambulance sirens and a blackout on Katherine and Randal.)

Scene Three- Years Before

(We see Tommy, Sammy, and Bethany sitting in class doing work. Suddenly Bethany gets up to sharpen her pencil.)

Tommy: (as Bethany walks by) Hello, Beth!

(Bethany turns her head to a friend and snickers without any response)

Sammy: Aw Tom, that was so mean. She just laughed in your face...

Tommy: It’s not mean. It’s okay, she thinks I’m funny, Sammy!

Sammy: Mmm I don’t know. I don’t think she thought that was funny.

Tommy: No, no Sammy. (looks over at Bethany) She’s the love of my life. I think. I mean I’m in love with her, you know! I think if we just talked more then she’d like me back!

Sammy: You got this buddy. I believe in you.

Mrs. Burns: I hear you boys chattering over there. I assume that means you are finished with your arithmetic assignment. Am I correct?

(Bethany snickers again to her friend)

Mrs. Burns: That is enough, Bethany.

Sammy: Uhm, well no, Mrs. Burns. Tommy was just helping me out, I’m sorry.

Mrs. Burns: Ah, yes. Well, thank Thomas for his help and get back to work please.

Tommy: Thanks, Sammy. (the two boys smile at each other)

Scene Four- Long Before

(We see Katherine and Randal sitting in the living room. Both look very youthful and Katherine appears to be pregnant.)

Katherine: Hey babe, come here. Our little boy is kicking.

Randal: (touches Katherine’s stomach) How’s it going in there Thomas? Don’t worry; you’ll be out in no time.

Katherine: And by Thomas he means Matthew, sweetheart.

Randal: No. My father’s name is Thomas. We discussed this; we’re naming him Thomas.

Katherine: What do you think it’s going to be like? Raising our first child together.
He’ll be a smart man, just like his father.

Randal: And he’ll have a beautiful soul, just like his mother.

Katherine: I can’t believe this is happening. We have waiting so long for this.

Randal: If you’re happy, I’m happy.

Katherine: (getting emotional) Soon he’ll be going to school, then he’ll turn 18 and he’ll be an adult and he’ll leave us and… (Randal interrupts her)

Randal: Katherine, whoa hold on. Don’t get too caught up in it. It will all happen in time, we know that. But let’s enjoy this moment, right now.

(The couple kiss and lights fade out)

The author's comments:
This piece takes a look at the life of a young boy named Tommy. Tommy died at age 8 in a car accident. This script starts at his death, and end at his birth. Certain events from the script have been taken from my own life. This is meant to be performed as a short play or one act.

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