The Incubus | Teen Ink

The Incubus

April 3, 2018
By Shinnigami-sensei BRONZE, Blacksburg, Virginia
Shinnigami-sensei BRONZE, Blacksburg, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all stories in the end" - Steven Moffat

The man’s name was James du Gaulle. Clearly an adopted name, the man was clearly someone from East Asia. He had the appearance of a middle aged Asian man though my superior said it was his 19-year-old form.

He was my caretaker for the time being. He was a fair man. Although I was new and rebellious, he seems to have more patience than most others. Instead of screaming and beating me, he would often look at things from my point of view and offered advice instead of chastisement. The second thing that was attractive to me was his lack of temptation. Sure, he was an incubus and had intercourse with many mortal women, he was still a gentleman of honor. His business attire consisted of a deep black suit, with a white dress shirt, a red tie, an all-black Tissot watch, and black oxford shoes. I would wear a black low-cut, formal dress for most of my business errands. Although my senior has recommended wearing something either leather or a dress that is not too revealing, for maximum effectiveness. He advised me that inexperienced men tend to be attracted towards ‘classy’ or ‘women who are way out of their league’. So, what I learnt was that a dignified woman is what would turn my clients on.

Chapter 1

It is my little’s second week in this line of work and she seems to have settled down a bit. According to her past life, she was quite popular around the boys and was not shy of trying a thing or two. I must say, before she was transferred to be my assignment, she was an outright skank. Always dressed in revealing cleavage, with padded undergarments and skin tight cheap clothes. You could pretty much see half of the crack of her buttocks most of the half. Now under my tutelage, she has certainly grown into a dignified, classy lady, worthy of the title, Duchess of Westminster.

Chapter 2
Today was my first day of working alone, I was working alongside my coworker and close friend, Peters. Peters was a sly imp and was good with words and slurs.

Chapter 3
Although crudely, my boss had subpar attractiveness. He had the face and body of an overweight middle-aged Asian man who was probably a shut-in and exclusively with his parents. But there was sometime about him that stood out for me, whether it was his dashing suit or radiant aura. I just can’t seem to describe it. He was unlike any man I have ever seen. He wasn’t tall, but he was towering. He wasn’t slim, but he was swole. He wasn’t handsome, but he was charming. He had voice of an old Cambridge nobleman, yet the personality of a suave vampire, the good kind of vampire. His unique power was that he didn’t seduce women using looks or charisma, but instead with care and genuineness. It sort of makes sense now why he was so unsuccessful in the mortal world. I would remember my first day being his student.

“Ok listen, Slick, your first mission is to seduce that man in the bar in there”

“What? As if I’m not capable of that already? “

“You sound confident, Slick. Do you know who that man is?”

“Yes, he’s the newly appointment operations manager at PRADA.”

“He is also the husband of a 17-year marriage and the father of two young girls”

“So, what? He’s an old loser!”

“Doesn’t it sound suspicious? A man with that much money and status and no record of affairs or the slightest hint of cheating?”

“Same point. So, what?”

“Look at him, he’s at a bar alone on a Friday evening. The man’s locked his heart away. He feels trapped in his marriage and his role as the father of a happy but hollow family. The man’s not happy, he’s desperate for a passionate relationship and the intel’s telling me that his wife hasn’t given it to him since the last daughter.”

“What do you man me do to, flirt and get him cheat on one of his secretaries”

“I want you to unleash his repressed temptations that has been building up inside him for years”

“What! What does that even mean?”

“Just be yourself, Slick and you’ll be fine”

He then gently shoved me into the bar, and all eyes were momentarily on me. I held my breath in embarrassed and snapped my head back to scream at him, except he was gone, plain out of sight.

The author's comments:

This is the first draft of a new series I'm writing about. The story is about an incubus named James du Gaulle. The story takes place on both Hell and Earth. The narrative alternates between the succubus, Lumina, and the incubus, James.

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