Blue Headed Woman | Teen Ink

Blue Headed Woman

October 19, 2017
By KirstenC SILVER, Culpeper, Virginia
KirstenC SILVER, Culpeper, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 The statue of the blue woman’s head crying black tears has an old tale with her. Many claim she was real, and she cries her blackened tears fore she cannot reproduce. The woman has tried many times but she is too infertile, there is no hope for her. Because she cannot give him the child he longs for, her husband leaves her in search for a wife who can. She is alone until death. Her ex-husband created a statue of her head, made from her cursed ashes, out of guilt that he caused her death, that he drove her into such a depression of no return. The statue was made in their homeland, Thailand, but eventually other artists and bidders fell into an ignorant admiration with the woman and bought her off the old man.
The statue had been in many of countries for many of years, and with every family she stayed with she cursed them with her own infertility. One year she fell into the hands of a small family of three in London. The father of this family had an expensive taste for art, and he, too, fell for the blue headed woman. They had heard rumors that she would bring to them blessings of fecund. This family had been looking to give their only son the gift of a baby brother or sister. They had been trying for eight months, but they had no luck. When they heard about the statue, they saw it as another chance. They’d had the statue for a week, and they still had no sign of pregnancy.
They were close to giving up when, finally, the mother received a call from her doctor. She dropped the phone when he announced she was with child. When her husband heard the clunk of the phone hitting the floor he rushed into the kitchen. It took one look for him to understand what was going on. She ran into his embrace and he lifted her in his arms and kissed her with tears in both of their eyes. The statue, in the other room, saw everything and she was furious. The black tears from her eyes grew darker and thicker, without notice from the happy couple.
The couple had decided to spread the blessing they had received and they sold the statue. Nine months later, they had a beautiful baby girl. They named her Blue after the statue that blessed them with her. The blue headed woman watched Blue grow up with a burning rage. She was confused of how she had failed, her cursed had lived for over 200 years. Why would it break now? When Blue had turned 22, she found a husband of her own. The blue headed woman watched their relationship develope with disgust. When they decided they were ready, they tried for a baby of their own. They, too, had trouble conceiving. As their struggle magnified, the blue headed woman’s satisfaction grew.
The couple finally gave up trying after a year and decided to adopt. They contacted an adoption agency and made all of the necessary arrangements. When they brought their child home and had their first night as a family, the blue headed woman was filled with more anguish and envy than she had ever felt before. The jealousy consumed her and her statue began to shake where it stood in her new owners house. At last, she became so infatuated with hate that her head crumbled into dust, never to hurt another again.

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