The Assassin's Tree | Teen Ink

The Assassin's Tree

September 21, 2015
By dream_writer BRONZE, Skillman, New Jersey
dream_writer BRONZE, Skillman, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fear does's shut you down, it wakes you up"-Four, Divergent
"I'll never stop loving you.'

I was running for about a mile now and my legs were burning. I couldn’t run anymore. I was far enough ahead that I could rest for a minute. I might as well tell you what is going on. I’m trying to outrun the company of soldiers following me. Apparently, escaping from the slave mines isn’t in their plan for me. I don’t exactly know who “They” are. Thinking that I might just call them “Them” or “They”. I might be caught soon so I better start running again.
            I ran to the tree where my hideout was. I say “was” because it’s gone now. They blew it up. But that’s a story for another time. Anyway, when I got there, everything was still intact. Like I left it. I  climbed the tree that lead to the little platform halfway up. I set out a plate and a cup for dinner. I don’t eat with anyone because I don’t know who I can trust after the betrayal. There are others that lived in the trees around me. They would all shot down. Someone who lived around here heard of what was called “Assassin's Tree”. It was a group a well-known and highly dangerous Assassins. We were run by a man, like the King, who used us for our skills. We went on missions to kill off his enemies. Again more stories for another time. It takes a while to tell them because it’s such a long story (It’s not that long but...ya’ know). I guess there’s a little time for background about me.
           I’m  thirteen and I’m an assassin. I lived with the King until I became a teen. The king thought that I would be easy to get rid of me because “I’m not smart enough” or in his words that I don’t have to capacity to fully understand his plans. He sent me to the mines to finish out my life. As you may have guessed, and I already said, I easily escaped. They didn’t have much security there. When I was young, I was so frightened of failing the King, I didn’t think of what would happen if I was betrayed. I only thought about the mission I had to complete for the King, not about anything else. I Thought a lot about if I ended up killing someone from my own family. How would the King of told me that someone I once knew died? And that it was my fault?
           As you might be able to tell already, I’m not normal. Never lived in a house with a mom or a dad. Never had to argue over toys with siblings. None of a normal life was in mine. It was like I didn’t belong wherever I was. No matter where I went. No matter how far I traveled to get away. My old life always followed
           I always eat alone so tonight was no different. I had some meat I caught earlier that day in the woods before I had to run. Today was no different from yesterday and the day before that. After a while, I got used to the silence from being alone. At first, Every squeak and crack in the wood was a sign that They were coming. I was constantly scared.

The author's comments:

I'm working on this and want it to be a book. Feedback is welcome.

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