We Are All Hollow | Teen Ink

We Are All Hollow

June 5, 2015
By softgolem BRONZE, Joplin, Missouri
softgolem BRONZE, Joplin, Missouri
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

An abstract mosaic of pastel colors reflected in the brook from the cherry blossoms in the trees above gazed up at him as she wondered aloud as to where she should travel next.  She’s followed the brook to its end.  This brook ended in a dark hole that seemed to travel down far into the Earth: farther than any man has been able to dig.  A fish calmly jumped into the dark pit from the chaotic brook.  A splash was never heard: only the continuous trickle of the brook.  The girl bent over and looked down the pit.
“Well,” she said after a minute or two.  “This pit seems to have no end at all.  The fish is just as likely coming back up as it is falling.  It must have passed the center of the Earth quite a while ago.  Surely gravity will send it on its way again and it will soon pop out of this hole, flop about and then begin falling again.”
Not a moment after the girl finished saying this, a fishing line came falling out of the hole, just as if down were up!  It hovered in front of the girl’s face for just a second, then hooked her on the nose and began reeling the cross-eyed girl in.  As the girl slowly ascended into the Earth, she saw all sorts of wondrous things.  There were rooms of the strangest creatures drinking and playing card games, rooms full to brim with nothing but lemon concentrate and countless other rooms with an even more countless number of commodities.  The girl continued to ascend down into the Earth.  Inside the Earth, down was up, and that made quite a bit of sense to the girl.
“Yes,” said the girl.  “Surely there is much more stuff outside of the Earth to pull one up than there is stuff in it to pull one down.  Even if it is farther away, the heavens have always had a stronger pull on my heart than other things.  The stars and the clouds and the moon, too!  After all, now that I’m actually inside of it, I can see that the Earth’s mostly hollow anyway.”
And it was.  There were cavernous libraries in the walls of the pit that stretched out and intertwined with long hallways and forested areas which were full of the most wonderful wildlife and waterfalls.  At about this time, the girl’s joyful expression was slapped off of her face by a fish that was falling the wrong way.  The fish also slapped the poor girl’s consciousness out of her, but it was slapped into him an hour later when the reeling stopped.
“Hey, you there.  Are you alright?” asked a man with a thick, Scottish accent.
“W-where am I?” asked the girl.
“You’ve reached the end of the line,” said the man.
“Well, to be quite frank, I’ve known that I was on the end of the line for quite some time now.  It was stuck in my nose after all.  You know, it is rather rude to hook someone without their consent!”
“Lady, I don’t mean it like that,” the man said.  “I’m gonna give it to ya straight now.  You can probably count the number of breaths you have left on your fingers and toes.  In fact, you may not be breathing at all anymore.”
The pair exchanged a solemn second of eye contact, and then the man broke it, seconds after breaking the girl’s heart.
“You’ve wandered into territory that’s difficult to get yourself out of, lady.  However, there is good news, and that is that you may not want to leave,” the man said.  He grabbed the girl by her ponytail and lifted her onto the edge of the cliff that he was sitting on.  They sat in silence for a moment, and the man unhooked the girl.  “Well, this is your journey.  You’d best be on your way.  You got yourself into this mess even if you don’t know that yet.”  Without another word, the man turned back to the abyss and sent out another line.
The girl wandered out solemnly into the cave.  After a bit of time, she noticed an odd sensation - or rather lack of - in her hand.  She looked down and squealed in a mixture of surprise, confusion, and disgust.
“Why,” the girl started.  “It appears that my hand is all for naught now.  It’s just a bit of bone.  Where has all of my flesh wandered off too?”
She blinked a few times, looked up and then down and stared at her hand in disbelief.  It was simply a skeleton’s!  She pulled up her sleeve a bit and noticed that her flesh was also gone on her arm.
“Most peculiar,” she added.  “I wonder if this is to mean that I shall live on in this sort of a body for the rest of my days?  But suppose my days are already done.  Maybe I’ll keep living on dead for the rest of forever like this.”
Something cracked under the girl’s foot as she was walking.
“Oh shucks.  That’s gonna take a while to mend,” a voice rang out.
The girl looked down and noticed that she had stepped on the leg of a skeleton.  He was wearing just a tie dye bandana around his skull.
“Oh dear, me.  I’m dreadfully sorry.  But shouldn’t you be wearing a bit more than that?  I mean this is a public place after all, and I would be blushing if I still had cheeks,” the girl said.
“What is there that I should hide?  We are all hollow on the inside,” the other skeleton said as he stuck his hand into his ribcage.  “Now can you help me up?”
The girl lifted up the skeleton and, together, they walked further into the cave.

The author's comments:

A girl finds herself in a world full of lemon concentrate and completely new to her once she follows a brook to its end and sees the hole it disappears into.

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