March 25, 2015
By Fugue BRONZE, Saratoga, California
Fugue BRONZE, Saratoga, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


“Remember. All you have to do is bring the case to the surface, open it, and follow the directions set inside.” They lowered me to the planet.

The tube opened, I was now on the surface of the planet, nicknamed PX. However something was not quite right. It was a bright sunny day, and I was ontop of what seemed to be like a hill, overlooking isn’t…...possible………..the Silicon Valley? Yes, the valley does look, almost...quite identical to the Silicon Valley of California. I overheard some talking coming from behind me. I couldn’t pick up the words, but it sounded a lot like Chinese, or I don’t know, some Asian language. I slowly turned, and realized that there were people surrounding me, some even taking photos with some ancient camera. I lay the suitcase down and slowly opened it. Now trust me, it is not easy opening a suitcase with an EVA suit on. Inside lay something unimaginable. A prism. Yah, that’s right, a prism. It was black, and very shiny too. It was a rectangular prism to clarify. I picked up the prism from the box and laid it beside me. what do I do? I do...there is no instructions inside the box, and crazy, stupid...whatever...people are taking photos of me. What do I do? I stood up. I took the time to look at the rectangular prism, which was one foot in height.

He had a genious idea of kicking it. He was sweating now. The prism lay still on the dusty ground. He was alone, on a planet, stuck with a box, a prism, and a spacesuit (which he was wearing. He looked at his arm to see the outside temperature. It was seventy degrees celsius. He began sitting down, but then there was a loud sound and a vehicle, blue and white, pulled up in front of him. The man inside the vehicle was talking on the radio. The man exited the vehicle, put on a hat, and pointed a weapon at him. The man was yelling at him. A girl, of unknown age, came next to him, put an arm around his shoulder and held out a box, which had a mirror facing him. The box flashed, and the girl was gone. He was alone in front of the man. The man was nervous.
“Get down on the ground! I told you...get down on the ground!”
  Everything instantly turned black.
Mike stood there, in pitch darkness.
“God, uhhhhh, not again. Can you ever set that thing off correctly.” 
    Well, I screwed up.

The author's comments:

Inspired by Philip K. Dick and Andy Weir, this is a set piece about what it would be like to......... 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 27 2015 at 2:41 pm
DarastrixKamati BRONZE, Carrolls, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid.”
― Jane Austen

What? This was... hard to follow. Are you still in space? Why do you keep switching tenses? But good way of writing. I liked your style.