Atok- The Creation | Teen Ink

Atok- The Creation

February 8, 2015
By bjc040197 GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
bjc040197 GOLD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

In the beginning, there was nothing. All that exists today had not yet come to being. The only thing that existed was a great crystal floating in the infinite black. If one were to peer inside, so it is said, they would see the births and deaths of a million other universes. Suddenly, the crystal shattered, causing a tremendous explosion of energy that created the universe.
The crystal was shattered in two. One half contained all that was good; the Light. The other contained all that was evil; the Dark. These crystal halves would become the two great beings Barku and Forax. When Barku awakened, he saw the universe for the first time and was overjoyed. However, he found it to be incredibly empty.
Using his great powers, he created life. There was no proper place for life to live however so Barku allowed the first lifeforms to live on his body until he could give them a proper home. He asked Forax to help him create a world where life could live. Forax begrudgingly agreed.
Using his Dark powers, Forax created the world out of fire, lava, and rock. Barku cooled this hot world with great oceans of water. The land that was still dry was quickly populated by many forms of plants and trees. Now with a world made, Barku set the first lifeforms down onto the surface. They liked it, however they complained that it was too dark for them to see. Barku used his powers to form a great light in the sky. The lifeforms were thankful and praised Barku.
Forax was not pleased with this. He liked the darkness and prefered the world covered in shadow. After a long debate, Barku and Forax made an agreement; for a set amount of time the world would be covered in shadow and the other half of time would be bathed in light. This was the creation of night and day, though night was not as dominated by the Dark as Forax intended thanks to Barku creating the moon and stars.
Thus, this was the creation of Atok and her moon and sun and the beginning of the conflict between Light and Dark.

The author's comments:

Hello everyone. This is my first piece I'm submitting here. It is a short story inspired by the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. It is about the creation of the universe and the mystical world of Atok. It revloves around mainly two characters, Barku God of Light and Forax God of Dark, and of course the inevitable conflict between Light and Dark. I hope you enjoy reading this and give me some tips on how to be a better writer if you can. BTW, I couldn't find a good pic to accompany my story. :P

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