Black Pool | Teen Ink

Black Pool

November 14, 2014
By LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
LardOssimsauce SILVER, Minnesota City, Minnesota
7 articles 1 photo 0 comments

There once was a voodoo man. The voodoo man wasn’t like any shaman you’ve ever seen before. He did not dress up in tribal garb and such as others do, no, this voodoo man had a taste for the finer things in life. This voodoo man would adorn himself in a white suit coat, wear white suede shoes, carry around a silver cane, and would walk around with a proud swagger. He had long dreadlocks and covered his face in black.
This black on his face was a strange substance. It had a sort of liquidness about it, but it would stay in place on the man’s face. This black liquid was not paint, or dirt, or mud, or even tar. No, this black substance was a liquid unknown to man. The voodoo man would take this black liquid from his mystical black pool. This pool was full of the black liquid, unmoving, peaceful, perfectly and eerily still.  The voodoo man hid the pool high up in the mountains where no one would be able to find it and disturb it.
The pool was a gift from the devil himself. The voodoo man earned it by making a pact with devil. He promised that he would test the devil’s demons, that would arise through sacrifice, by having a battle with them. If they weren't ready to wreak havoc on the world, the voodoo man would send them back, and continue to use the black pool for magical purposes to make him stronger and even more powerful.
   On a special day the voodoo man would walk into a village located at the bottom of the mountains. He would do this every year when the harvest moon was at its full cycle. As he strolled on through, the people would cower in fear. The voodoo man would observe all of the females of the village. His eyes would spot a few choice girls to take back to the black pool for sacrifice. Each of the girls were between the years of 18-25, small in stature, and unblemished. The voodoo man would sprinkle some of the black liquid in their mouths. The devil’s blood in the liquid would possess the girls and they would give into the voodoo man’s whims. Everyone of the daughter’s families sobbed at the sight of their daughters somehow willingly following the voodoo man. Some tried to fight to protect their daughters but the voodoo man, with a wave of his cane, would blow them all back with a mystical force.
Like a demonic Pied Piper, the voodoo man strolled over to the pool with the girls following close behind. Once at the pool, the voodoo man would dress the girls in a white cloth. He would sit still as the girls would gather around the pool. Then, the voodoo man would raise his cane and twirl it into the air, making sparks and mist spew from its diamond top signalling the girls to move into the pool.
One of the girls would start to walk into the pool. As she made her way slowly into the middle, a hand would quickly rise up and drag her in. The voodoo man would have a large white line grow on his face amidst the blackness of the liquid. He smiled and started to sway himself joined by the other girls gathered around the pool. A head started to rise up from out of the pool. A man started to take shape as he arose from the depths, he was completely covered in the black liquid. When the liquid started to drip off, a white faced figure, tall in stature, grey chested, and wearing a leather coat and pants came fully in view. This man had a strap on his chest connected to a guitar.
The man started to play his guitar, hardcore style, seamlessly and started to sing to the voodoo man. “I and my brothers have arisen once again to show you that we are worthy to walk amongst the living, now, prepare to die!”, the guitar man sang to the voodoo man in a type of demonic speech.
The voodoo man answered only with a sly chuckle. Then, one after another, the girls would get up from their sitting position into a crawling position. They crawled behind the man and were sucked in by more hands. Three new figures started to appear. One with a drum set, one with another guitar, and the last with a bass. As one, they all formed a band and started to play. They begun to build up in intensity as if they were trying to fight the voodoo man with music. The sound waves pulsed through the voodoo man, almost knocking him back.
After awhile, the voodoo man thought that this was enough and stood up with a chuckle. He then started to dance around the band and sung to the lead singer. They had ,what you would think, a singing shouting match. Louder and louder they would grow! Then the voodoo man had enough of this and swung his cane once more. The lead singer of the band started to show fear in his face as he slowly started to sink back into the pool. The lead singer started to sing louder and louder, but to no effect.
The band sunk back into the pool and the voodoo man walked away, twirling his cane, whistling to the beat that the band played before they were sucked in.

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