Not Your Average Fairytale | Teen Ink

Not Your Average Fairytale

October 11, 2014
By daisiesandinsanity BRONZE, Athens, Alabama
daisiesandinsanity BRONZE, Athens, Alabama
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To be human is to be beautifully flawed."

It all started with happy ever after and a kiss. Or so everyone thought. Moments ago the final part to my plan was completed. After all these months of waiting and scheming, I, Cinderella, have successfully tricked the entire kingdom. Everyone knows the original story. I was a simple girl with two ugly stepsisters and then my wonderful Prince Charming swept me off my feet. However, no one knows the truth. No one knows the REAL story. It all actually started with a talking bird and a shocking discovery.
In the beginning I had no hard feelings towards the royal family. The Charming’s seemed like a lovely bunch with perfect hair and a perfect life. They were so kind and generous. After my father’s passing, they were there to comfort me. I thought that I could trust them.
One evening, however, my trust in them banished. A blue bird with a red beak came flying into my room. “What a strange little bird,” I thought I said to myself. “What a strange large human,” the bird quickly replied. I was appalled.  There was no such thing as a talking bird. Yet there I was, standing right in front of one. The bird suddenly exclaimed, “You mustn’t waste time daydreaming to yourself. There are things to be done!” “What’s going on? Who are you?” I replied. “We shall talk on the way.” The bird explained. The colorful bird then took my hand and we flew out the window.
“My name is Poe, and I was sent by the Order of the Forbidden to bring you back to them,” Poe said. I remembered learning about the Order of the Forbidden in grade school. They were an organization created to execute the Charming’s. “Why does the Order of the Forbidden need me? I love the Charming’s,” I told Poe. “Everything is not what it seems, my dear,” he said. “What do you mean by that? What’s going on? Where are you taking me?” “Ah, we have arrived,” Poe said almost too quiet. Below me was an old, light blue building. When we landed on the ground worried looks and strange, yet familiar faces surrounded me. The entire area was silent. A woman in a long black rob was the first to speak. “Welcome, Cinderella. I’m sure you know why you’re here.” “No actually, I don’t,” I replied. She then proceeded to reach out her hand towards me. “Come with me,” she said, “all of your questions are about to be answered.”
I reached out to the woman’s hand and she led me into the building. The inside was nothing like the outside. It was full of intricate rooms and many stairs leading to unknown places. “My name is Glendella,” she told me. “I am a co-finder of the Order of the Forbidden. I’m sure you have never heard of me, for everyone thinks I am dead.” “Tell me, Cinderella, what do you know about your father’s passing?” I choked up a bit when I heard her mention my father. “All I was told is that he passed of natural causes and he’s in a better place now,” I said between my soft sobs. “Cinderella, I need you to breathe and prepare yourself, because everything you have been told is a lie.”
Glendella then proceeded to tell me the truth. “Your father and King Charming were great friends in grade school, as I’m sure you already know.” I nodded my head as she continued. “What you don’t know, however, is that the Charming’s aren’t so charming.” “Your father was always a successful man. He got perfect grades, he had the perfect face, and he got the perfect girl: your mother.” “King Charming was very jealous of your father. You see, King didn’t have a perfect childhood as your father had. He was abused and ignored quite often. This eventually made King go mad in the head. Do you understand so far?” “Yes, but I am still very confused. What does this have to do with me?” I asked. “King Charming killed your father, Cinderella. I am not going to sugar coat it like everyone else has. Your father was murdered.” I began to scream. “NO! You’re lying to me! The Charming’s would never do that to him, to me!” “It’s true, Cinderella. The Charming’s have done many terrible things, and we want that to be stopped. We need your help.” “What can I do?” I asked.
Glendella then began to construct the perfect plan. I was going to go to the Charming’s ball, and I was going to dance with Prince Charming and get him to fall for me. When the clock hit 12, I was going to run off and “accidentally” leave my glass slipper behind. If things went accordingly, Prince was going to search for his true love. He was going to find me, put the slipper on my foot, and ask to marry me. I was then going to run off and marry him. Afterwards, I was to get back to the castle and execute him and the rest of his family for all the wrong things they have done. I just married Prince moments ago. I can’t wait for the next part.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Oct. 20 2014 at 12:13 pm
wow this is amazing you can be a really good author someday.    

apple said...
on Oct. 20 2014 at 10:37 am
this is a good one