Alicia's Wonderland | Teen Ink

Alicia's Wonderland

May 19, 2014
By ImStillSilent GOLD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
ImStillSilent GOLD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is always a chance of failure. It just depends on how you look at it to see if you truly lost or won.

Tones of impish laughter danced through the air as flickers of red shimmered in the dense green of the backyard forest. Soft silky blonde fluttered in a light breeze that seemed to be taunting those long strands. A small body rested under a nearby tree away from the harsh light that the sun pelted the earth with that summer day. The ends of her long red dress pooled across the swaying green of grass under her. She gave off the air of a red flower long since cut down by the shade of the tall oak. A white rabbit moved through the underbrush near the girl its pinkish red eyes staring at the sleeping girl. The young girl stirred from her slumber as a peel of laughter rang high and clear through the air. Warm hues of grey appeared as her lids lifted slowly to view the world around her. Her blonde locks fell down her back as small hands reached up to tame her mane of blonde hair as the wind continued to play with it. The white rabbit made its way to the front of her as it stood up on its hind legs.

“I see you finally woke up. We’ve been waiting a long time for you, young one. You have much to do and so little time to do it in.” The white rabbit spoke in a soft tenor as it cocked its head to the side.
“Oh, I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Rabbit. I seemed to have lost my time while I was gone. I haven’t been back in so long. I miss my sweet Boris.” The girl spoke softly to Mr. Rabbit.
“All is good, young one. Everything has been prepared for your arrival to the kingdom. Queen will be most pleased to see you again. She has missed you dearly, Alicia.” Mr. Rabbit said as he moved away toward a path the forest parted to show. Alicia stood with gentle ease and moved silently after Mr. Rabbit as he took off on to the past with the speed only a rabbit could have. Poor little Alicia ran to catch up to Mr. Rabbit.
“Oh Mr. Rabbit wait for me. I’m not as fast as you, sir!” she called in a tone a bit louder than her normal one so he may hear her. The white pelt of Mr. Rabbit vanished into the dark tree line that seemed to have swallowed him whole. Alicia stopped panting softly as her grey eyes searched the surrounding area for the telltale white of Mr. Rabbit. Yet it was in vain as he must have been out of hearing distance to her cry leaving the poor girl on her own. ‘Oh my, it seems that I’ve been left on my own again. Perhaps my sweet Boris will show up as is his custom.’ She thought as she continued on her way down the path having regained her breath. She hummed a tune that echoed back to her in eerie tones as it bounced back off the blackened tree trunks. The path began to slowly vanish as a large purple dog with a feather duster tail came swishing by the path vanishing under its tail. Alicia’s grey eyes grew large in a cold sense of fear. Alicia fell to her knees as tears welled up in her grey eyes making them look like a stormy sea. She sat there in what was once the path and wept her heart out to the cold dark forest surrounding her.
“Oh poor, Alicia,” a voice taunted, “You must be so afraid of this nasty forest. You are once again lost and all alone just like your dear aunt.” Alicia’s watery storm eyes searched the enclosing darkness for the ever familiar voice.
“Oh sweet Boris, please come out and help me for it seems I am lost. Mr. Rabbit was too fast and the purple dog wiped away the path. Will you please help me, dear Boris?” Alicia called into the darkness never giving up her search for the voice, Boris. A sigh rung out and a soft rustle of the nearby tree tops gave a slight warning that something was there. A man jumped out of the tree tops landing lightly on his feet. Glowing yellow pierced the darkness watching Alicia as she wiped away the remaining tears that left their tracks on her pale cheeks. She gave a soft sniff and stood to her feet. A tender smile tilted her lips into place on her face eyes losing their stormy look. The man’s lips tilted up into a dangerous smile that seemed to stretch the skin of his face. Purple hair swayed down into the yellow eyes that seem to see everything.
“Dear Alicia, how may I serve you?” He swept down into a regal bow his purple button up bunching at his waist, his black and purple stripped scarf waving gently in greeting. Two black cat ears rested on his head gently twitching to listen to unheard sounds. He raised his head and straightened himself as he approached Alicia. He scooped her into his arms and took off down the path his scarf fluttering behind them as if in a chase. The dark gave way to a beautiful light that Alicia basked in. Boris kept up his swift pace passing a wall of blue roses that were forced to dance with the wind he caused when he passed them.
Screams echoed from the small cottage deep within the roses. Boris ignored the screams as a lady with large feet stomped out of the cottage.
“You stupid cat, if you keep running you’ll hurt by poor sad roses!” She screamed after the two of them as Boris raced along. Alicia leaned her head back to look at the irate woman as she stomped after them.
“I’m terribly sorry miss. We want no harm to come to your lovely roses.” She called back loud enough for the woman to hear her from the wind that swept away her words letting them travel to the woman chasing them.
Boris gave a soft snort at what Alicia had said.
“Little Alicia, do you not know those blue roses are lost children that had been caught by that big footed woman so she won’t be lonely.” Boris drawled yellow orbs staring straight ahead as Alicia’s own grey orbs grew wide. A cold wash of fear slipped down her spine as she thought of how that woman could have found her and she could have been one of those blue roses on that wall.
“Oh dear.” She spoke with a soft tremor in her voice. Boris chuckled softly and placed her down in front of a large white cottage. Mr. Rabbit bounded out of the small door to the side of the normal sized door. His pink eyes grew wide in realization.
“Oh I’m terribly sorry my dear. I didn’t mean to run so fast. I thought you were right behind me the entire time.” Mr. Rabbit said coming up and taking her hand in his two tiny paws. Boris sneered as he walked past the two and into the house with a cat like strut.
“It’s alright, Mr. Rabbit. Accidents happen and what’s done is done and can’t be undone.” Alicia said with a warm smile.
“Well now why don’t we head to the tea party? Queen has everything set up and she has been waiting for you.” Mr. Rabbit spoke with a light smile as he wiggled his nose. Alicia nodded and took Mr. Rabbit’s paw and they both headed into the cottage. A white peahen sat elegantly in a white chair. Her blue eyes danced with mirth as she spotted the two of them. Boris was already stretched out in one of the chairs near Queen a smirk painted on to his face.
“Well now since we are all hear now. Let’s enjoy the tea I have prepared for us this fine day.” Queen, the white peahen, chirped as she flapped her wings in joy. Mr. Rabbit guided Alicia to the chair across from Boris and beside Queen. He then hopped into the chair beside her. Queen let out a squawk and cups, spoons, plates, teapots, and other dishes flew themselves into the room, their little white wings flapping themselves into place upon the table. The teapots poured tea into the cups as they rested in front of the people sitting at the table. Chatter rang out as the guests talked amongst themselves about their days. Alicia hid a yawn behind her hand. Boris’s keen yellow eyes picked up on the movement.
“Well it seems it’s time to go then, Little Alicia. Your stay is over and it is time for you to return home.” Boris spoke with a sly look in his eyes. Queen nodded her head to this.
“Yes dear child it is time to go, but don’t worry we will always be here when you return and then you can play again.” Queen chirped as she once more flapped her wings. Alicia’s grey eyes began to close as her head bobbed down and sleep took possession of her being.
“Alicia. Oh Alicia, honey. It’s time to wake up.” Someone cooed gently into her ear. Alicia stirred a bit and cracked open an eye. Her mother stood before her gently smiling her locks the same as Alicia’s. Alicia yawned and sat up staring up at her mother.
“Come now, Alicia. You’ll be late for tea my silly child.” Her mother cooed again and stepped back and disappeared out the door. Alicia stood looking at her desk where she fell asleep. It was cover in drawings of Boris, Mr. Rabbit, and Queen along with pages of writing. Alicia smiled as she pushed her pen to the side of her desk. ‘Yes,’ she thought, ‘I’ll return soon with more games we can play and maybe this time Mr. Rabbit won’t run as fast as he did.’ She turned to go a smile playing at her lips.
“Alicia! Come done stairs, dear.” Her mother called up to her from somewhere in the parlor.
“Coming mother.” She called back. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled one last time before sealing the door shut behind her.

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