Fake World | Teen Ink

Fake World

April 3, 2014
By Anonymous

My name is John. I woke up in the middle of a road for no reason at all. I remember nothing, as if I have no past. I don’t know how I ended up in the middle of a road. I walked around on a sidewalk, somewhat investigating my surroundings. The sky was gloomy and had a smokey gray look. The concrete road was clean as a whistle, as if no one had ever even taken a step on it. The streets were dead silent. No cars were around, no people or animals were to be seen. There was nothing except me. I continued to walk the silent road, almost embarrassed by my own footsteps being so loud. I strolled the sidewalk, still looking for someone or anyone.

As I was walking, the ground beneath me began to crack and crumble. I tried to move away from the cracks, but it followed me. The concrete surface fell, and took me with it. I had descended to an underground sewer. I fell into the frigid and dirty water. I got up on my feet and looked up at the bright crater above my head. I look around the dark tunnel, and at my left, off in the distance, there was a giant...person? “Hello?” I yelled. “Could I get some help here?” No response. The giant person sluggishly turned around. He walked towards me at a fast and unnatural pace. The light soon showed what he looked like. He was bald, scared from head to toe, muscular and overall looked disgusting. His hands were more like claws, with sharp nails or talons. He raised his claw at me and swing at me, as I black out.

I woke up in the middle of a street, for no reason. I got up on my two feet, and started to walk around. I heard no noises and saw nothing around me, No people, no cars, no animals. It was only me it seemed like. I walked around the gloomy city and what seemed like ash, was falling from the sky was falling like snow. I suddenly feel this huge shake, almost earth shattering. I started to run to shelter. I felt hot and started to sweat profusely. I look to the sky to see the sun isn’t even out. I look to my right and see a huge volcano erupting. The loud and hot explosion launched high in the air and blanketed the sky. And soon the raging and fiery sky fell upon me, as I blackout. I woke up in the middle of a street…

My name is Alfred, I am a scientist working secretly underground. I have created a machine that puts my experiments to sleep, and puts them in a dream world. My first subject seems to be doing fine. I’m letting him experience death so I can test two things. One, the various ways one can die in my world. Two, to test if they experiment can remember anything of his past. I have spent billions of dollars on these machines. I have made a world of millions of people, and they don’t even know how they got there. I let them do as they please. From making their own religions to expanding the population. They will never know who their real creator is. It’s quite entertaining actually, having millions of peoples lives in your own hand and they don’t even know it. I feel as though I am a god. I have power, I have control, and I have strings, attached to every thing that can happen in this world. I have struggled though. I haven't been able to come up with a name for my own planet. It seems as though, my own experiments have come up with a name for their falsely claimed world. They have named my own world...Earth.

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