Life of a Zombie | Teen Ink

Life of a Zombie

May 15, 2013
By molly99559 BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
molly99559 BRONZE, Bethel, Alaska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I really don’t get why people run away from me, I’m just like them. Only I like blood; and guts, and well I guess skin. Okay I see why they run, but I only want to be friends with humans I’m not interested in eating them. I constantly try speaking to them, but for some reason it comes out more like growls and grunts.
If you haven’t guessed by now, I’m a zombie. Born a human, died a zombie.

I live in the woods, that’s where I can get all my animals and food from,
I mean the last thing I want to do is get shot in the head for being seen in public.
One day I saw a juicy looking deer just happily eating sticks, I couldn’t help but lunge right at it, if I was still a human, I would take pictures, and admire it until it ran away. But not anymore, my instincts now tell me to run and bite it.
As I chomped away at the big meaty deer, blood dripped down my chin, causing me to close my eyes.

As I ate, I had flashbacks of how I had turned into a zombie. It wasn’t a happy thought. It was late at night. I was in bed fast asleep, my mom and dad had been pacing around the house all that day, as if they were guarding the door or something. I jerked awake as I heard my mom scream. Soon after I heard gunshots going through my house causing a ringing sensation in my ears. I quickly ran down the stairs. What I saw horrified me. My mom and dad had been torn apart by other zombies, the zombies grabbed at their guts. I screamed, a scream I’ve never heard come out of myself before. The zombies looked up and started to dart towards me, I ran up the stairs back into my room and hid under my bed.
Next thing I knew, I was a zombie, ive been trying so hard to remember how I actually became one, but I just cant remember no matter how much I try.
I snap back into reality when I hear a gasp. I stand up, stumbling a bit, because I honestly think I’m missing a toe, but I can’t feel a thing, all I know is that I have a hard time keeping my balance. I see a teenage girl, around my age staring right at me. I tried to speak to her.
“Friend!” I struggled to say, walking towards her.
The look in the girl’s eyes said it all. She didn’t want to be my friend, so why bother.
I stopped in my tracks; about to turn around, I hear a gun c***. I turn around and BOOM! The little girl and who looked like her sister ran away holding a shotgun.
I fell down to the ground. Looking down on my self, I was missing my legs and half my stomach.
“Great, just great, the least you could have done is shoot in my head!”
I let out a grumble. Now I’m going to have to drag myself everywhere.
I’m so sick of people treating me like this, im done, enough trying to be nice and eat animals. No more, for now on, I’m going to sneak up to people and eat them, from the leg up.

I started to drag myself towards the dark town, my own guts followed behind me. Revenge time.

The author's comments:
I wrote this story because I'm really into fiction stories.

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