Molecules | Teen Ink


May 9, 2013
By srgsd sdgds BRONZE, Sdff, Georgia
srgsd sdgds BRONZE, Sdff, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is it so cold in here? Why am I so close to everyone? “You’re a solid dude,” said another molecule that looked exactly like me. “What’s a solid?” I said feeling very confused. “It’s when we’re very close to each other and we’re shivering and we all have a definite shape and volume,” said my new friend . “Well that explains why it’s so cold in here and why we’re so close,” I said to myself. “Where are we?” I asked. My new friend then explained to me that we were some place in the Arctic Ocean and we were frozen into an iceberg and that his name was H2O. Suddenly, everyone started to move farther apart from each other. “Oh no!” I yelled as I saw H2O slowly move away from me. What was I going to do?

Feeling helpless as H2O slowly slid by me I started to notice that it was a little different now. I would have asked H2O what was going on but he was long gone now. I decided to just as a random person I saw. For some peculiar reason, her name was H2O too. She explained to me that we were now liquids and that they just a little different from solid first we don’t have a definite shape but we have a definite volume and we are more free. She also explained to me that we were heading to the promise land, The equator, where we would soon turn into a gas. “Oh no! Not again,” I started to feel weird again as we took the shape of some container.

Luckily my friend H2O was still with me this time, so she explained that we were probably picked up by some random women who was going to boil us and we were going to finally turn into gases. Soon everyone started banging around and bouncing everywhere and then we were finally free at last but we had no definite shape or no definite volume. It sure does feel good to be so free!

The author's comments:
An essay i did in science class

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