2012-revised | Teen Ink


January 13, 2013
By Xylyk BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
Xylyk BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
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Look out the tainted glass window,the sky showered in vibrant radiance of the moon and stars.Best show in town indeed and ALLAH to Thank for it.Suddenly though my descend into admiring the beauty is abruptly halted.Well perhaps I had forgotten that I was in office and when the office is the headquarters of one of the finest criminal investigation branches of the world,you know this is what to expect.There was a call from dispatch and another murder was the cause.The victim one of the most renowned aerospace engineers slash cosmologists in the world.Making the need to react quickly more apparent.Within no time we were at the site.Seemed like a regular murder,a bullet in the chest.But things were not as simple.Turns out our victim,Mr.Desmond Jones happened to be part of a group claiming that an asteroid was indeed going to crash into the earth on December 21 2012.Well so much for that we were already a day past it.But nevertheless looking into his records showed one of his frequently visited places was a facility in Mexico where they held the ludicrous tablet.As now it concerned the case that was where we were headed.By we I meant Arzan,weapons expert extraordinaire,raven world renowned bio-chemical specialist,Elin,one of the best in forensic science,Orb,the global fighting arts expert and real life ninja,Seb,well known for his technological prowess,Kristov,historical and art crimes expert,Hazard,the human lie detector and me,criminal behaviour analyst,no adjective cause I would be speaking for myself.ALLAH Willed it,together we made up one of the world's finest investigation units,Xcrimes.

When we got to the town the first person to greet us was a rather awkward looking man.He introduced himself as Aurin the most strange,the silver ring he wore which seem to produce a ringing sound.He did his best apocalyptic expression,warning us of the Mayan prediction and particularly about the shadow of a brave Mayan who still haunts this place and anyone wishing to venture near the Mayan secret.That included us and conveniently at the hotel that night there were strange noises.A voice calling us and yes a ghastly figure,'the brave Mayan',standing right before us and giving us the same warning that the man gave us.Before you know yes you guessed it,darkness descends the lights go out and he's gone.Shaken yes,but still not enough to deter us.The following morning we were at the facility and there we found the infamous tablet.While going over that thing we actually found a message in it.Local people knew about it and also knew what it meant.And one of them translated it as,'Be warned not to carry this to bright sunshine or else greater calamities will descend'.Well that's all the invite we needed and to outside the facility we carried that thing.To our shock it actually disintegrated into dust.And more still there was something inside it.Closer inspection from Seb showed it was some kind of a signal collector and transmitter and most certainly not thousands of years old.To further perplex things there were some coordinates embedded in it.Elin and Raven worked together to show that the device needed an atmosphere free of air but having argon.The outer tablet was made of a substance that absorbed air.However in sunshine it's composition meant it would disintegrate,which is what happened when we took it outside.The shocks though kept coming at night the brave Mayan paid another visit and we found he is bulletproof and also I got some strange noises from him.Later we got a call from headquarters saying that the coordinates were of various satellites in orbit around the world and explained that an emergency signal exists to activate particular jet engines to dock those satellites back into earth if ever needed.This transmitter fired those particular signals.But whats more it did not have a coordination system.It would simply cause the satellites to crash into the earth with all their nuclear reactor engines.It also had a countdown clock as to when the transmitter would activate and yes it was 21 12 2012

Now things were becoming clear.We came to the conclusion that the Jones was involved in this plot and the reason he was killed was because he moved away from murdering millions and maybe that's the reason the transmitter was off when it should have been on on 21 December.Stranger still this device could only collect and direct signals but not generate them and the particular frequency needed was extremely rare and only produced at space research centres.But that question was answered when one of us accidentally switched it on.Somehow it was transmitting signals of that particular frequency though not strong enough.We found our answers when we realized what signals it was collecting.Radio waves,microwaves and others associated with TVs computers,cell phones,Internet,etc.Somehow it mashed two signals and produced a new signal of the required frequency.And then became clear the link between the plan and the propaganda campaign.The one thing the doomsday story achieved was getting people talking about it.And on 21 December almost every person affording a computer,cell phone,TV was sitting with it.On social networks and the like discussing it.There at that point there would be enough frequencies to produce a signal strong enough to trigger the satellites.And the reason for hiding the transmitter in the tablet was because it's location at the facility was pinpoint for collecting the signals.While we were mulling over this suddenly on the TV a news is flashing.'When the Mayan tablet was burned down in an investigation people realized it was fake,a new one has been discovered which states that the apocalypse is instead on new year's eve'.We knew the plot but could do little to prevent people talking about it.And that could have been our downfall.To stop this problem we had to nip it in the bud and had a little clue as to how to do it.We went back to the excavation site and the town near it.Though this time there was more hostile reception.The kind with gunmen forcefully escorting us to a rogue prison,carefully removing our guns and communication devices.And then a head of sorts appeared,explaining we had come too far in this case and that we should have quit when 'he' told us'.At this point I knew what it meant.Standing in front of us 'the brave Mayan' slash Aurin.His bullet proof armour accounting for his powers.Finally he said,'if only you knew'.To this my reply,'actually we did'.Next we knew the whole place is sweep-ed by elite commandos,our extensive combat training also helping.Finally with our foes routed I explained to Aurin,'you should have taken off your ring when you became the brave Mayan,sort of gave you away'.From the information coerced from these guys we were later successful at preventing any disaster.It was seen as better not make these discoveries public.The people needed to learn from another energy sapping countdown that Only ALLAH Controlled fate and Only HE knew what would happen when.

The author's comments:
well obviously the 2012 propaganda campaign

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