Space Oddity pt.1 (draft) | Teen Ink

Space Oddity pt.1 (draft)

April 23, 2012
By SocietyRebel BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
SocietyRebel BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Lead me, save me from my solitude. Say you'll want me with you here beside you. Anywhere you go, let me go too..." The Phantom, Phantom of the Opera

Major Tom. That's what my idol had sang and taken up as his identity in his song, Space Oddity. I leaned back in my seat and pressed play on my ipod, blasting the song. It was quiet otherwise. Nobody home to judge me. No one around to tell me to get my chores done. Just me, my room, and David Bowie. I closed my eyes, letting the music overtake me.
Just a second, with my eyes closed, peace surrounding me, it was disrupted. A thump. I jumped and opened my eyes. What? This wasnt right. It couldnt be. Where was my room? The ugly green walls? Where was my house? Now, nothing surrounded me. Nothing but the unknown. I stood. At least i could still stand. And i looked around. It took me this long to realize that i wasnt the only human roaming this place. But i was the only human looking lost. They all seemed to think this was all completely normal. Going to where ever they needed. I needed to take this all in. Finding the strength, i began to walk..

The author's comments:
I hope people can understand, that this is not completed. Just a raw first draft. Needs much editing.

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