Into the Deeps of the Secrets | Teen Ink

Into the Deeps of the Secrets

July 13, 2011
By ZoltaroCOOL BRONZE, Zeigler, Illinois
ZoltaroCOOL BRONZE, Zeigler, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything has meaning, Existince has meaning, Being alive has meaning, Have Dreams Use Powers

Dince the day i was born i was cursed with a spell by a monk and a owner of a secret society. They we're taught by the one and only Merilin.. Now that i'm 15 i must forfill my destiny as the new monk sorceror. As i walked to school on my birthday a large man captured me and said we're do you think your going.. I said you dont know who your messing with he laughed.. The man later on regreted this horrabile mistake i put him in the hospital for 7 months. When he got out I was in a world of trouble this man was named Codey Williams later on that day it was the final day i must have too prove that i was the real hero. I fought him he used so many techniches the monkey kings, bruce lees, and jackie chan.. He thought i was dead so i turned around jumped in the air and snapped his neck. As i did this he manged to break my leg and shove my bones straight through my skull. we both woke up but, hade no idea where we we're we we're in the book of secrets..

The author's comments:
This piece was a true story that may yet one day be history..

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