Among the Hidden | Teen Ink

Among the Hidden

May 2, 2011
By bridgettdeblasiis BRONZE, Gansevoort, New York
bridgettdeblasiis BRONZE, Gansevoort, New York
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Among the Hidden was a fantastic book. The author of this book is Margaret Peterson Haddix. This is a Global Issues book. The copyright of Among the Hidden is 1998.

I would recommend Among the Hidden to middle school students because it shows that not everyone has a perfect life. Where Luke’s family lives, the government only allows only two kids per family. Luke was the youngest. He had two older brothers. Since Luke was the youngest he has to live in his attic and have all the windows close so no one can see him.

Among the Hidden is about a book all about Luke and how he has to live in the attic his life. One day, when no one was home Luke opened the window and looked at the house across the street. He sees a shadow in the window. It turns out it was a girl. After Luke finally meets Jenn they become great friends. Luke would sneak out of the house everyday when no one was home to see her. These twelve year old kids want to change society and be allowed as many kids per family. As you can see, Among the Hidden is a great book for middle school students.

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