Not That Real, Chapter 1 | Teen Ink

Not That Real, Chapter 1

March 24, 2011
By Anonymous

I sat on the hard leather bus seats staring out the mucky big window; it was a lovely hot Australian day and I was going to be stuck on this hot smelly bus for the next 2 hours.
‘No other bus rides had felt so long and frustrating before’ I thought to myself ‘and I’ve only been here for twenty minutes’
Half an hour latter the bus stopped at a but stop.
“Kelsey” my friends Bella, Sarah and Lora squealed as they ran onto the bus.
“Hay guys how are you” I replied trying to look happy.
We sat there for the next two hours, Bella and Lora playing on their phones and Sarah and I listening to my music.

When we arrived at St Mary’s Wizardry school the squeaky bus door slid open slowly. Everyone charged off the bus like a heard of antelope to go find their friends. After everyone had left Bella, Lora, Sarah and I made our way to the front, then saying a quick thanks to our bus driver Mandy we jumped out the door and onto the still wet grass.
“Would all the students interested in a fashion show report to the hall after you have found your room” a voice said on the loud speaker
“Wow” Bella said
“I know” Sarah replied “but I’m not going to do it, you guys should though”
“OMG, that is so cool” Bella said “Kelsey please do it with me”
“Fine I’ll do it” By now Kelsey had started walking to the dorms “come on guys”

“Someone’s taken our room” Bella said angrily
“What, NO, that’s always our room” Sarah said a bit too loudly as they were walking around the corner of the Boarding house.
“Oh hay, sorry was this your room? we can move if you want”
“Umm…..” Sarah started to say “yes we always have that room”
“Well I’m Alice”
“OMG! Guys its Alice, Alice Walker the daughter of the best Wizard in history”
“Year, that’s me”
“Wow, Umm I’m Lora, this is Bella, Sarah and Kelsey.”
“Hay, umm well choose a new room” I said trying to move the conversation on.
“Ok see ya round” Alice said and closed the dorm door.

Later after we had found a room and had unpacked, Bella and I went to the hall to sign up for the fashion show.
“Ok now please line up and tell Mr Conner your name when you get to him and he will tell you if you’re in. There is limited space so get in fast”
We waited in line for ages then when it was our turn Bella spoke.
“Hi, can my friend and I sign up for the year 10 fashion shows?” she asked
“Sure” he said going through his book. He stopped on the page and looked up at the girls “umm well….. I’m sorry but there is only 1 space left for the year 10’s” the man replied looking down on his list. “Sorry”
“Oh, Can I go then” Bella said to Kelsey
“No I want to go” Kelsey replied
“But I said it first”
“Sign me up”
“No sign me up”
“Stop girls Stop. I can only sign one of you up so the one who can guess what number I am thinking of first wins”
At that moment we both started say number.
“Yes well done, now what’s your name?”
“Bella Witter”
“But that’s unfair” I complained
“No it’s not” Bella sneered and walked off
“YES IT IS” and at the she stomped off.

The author's comments:
it is magical
sorry about spelling

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